'So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war!' These words, said to have been uttered by Abraham Lincoln, signal the celebrity of Uncle Tom's Cabin. The first American novel to become an international best-seller, Stowe's novel charts the progress from slavery to freedom of fugitives who escape the chains of American chattel slavery, and of a martyr who transcends all earthly ties. At the middle of the nineteenth-century, the names of its characters - Little Eva, Topsy, Uncle Tom - were renowned. A hundred years later, 'Uncle Tom' still had meaning, but, to Blacks everywhere it had become a curse. This edition firmly locates Uncle Tom's Cabin within the context of African-American writing, the issues of race and the role of women. Its appendices include the most important contemporary African-American literary responses to the glorification of Uncle Tom's Christian resignation as well as excerpts from popular slave narratives, quoted by Stowe in her justification of the dramatization of slavery, Key to Uncles Tom's Cabin.
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曾經的奴隸製度讓我感覺到後怕,這似乎是人類野蠻的行為,如何會齣現在一個高度文明的國傢。這不禁讓我想起瞭可恥的日侵華事件,民族可以原諒卻永遠不能釋懷,傷疤總會結痂,但想起總會隱隱作痛。 一個人的靈魂和肉體經過無數次的賤賣,使多少妻離子散,多少...
評分請勿憐憫他!麵對這樣的生與死,憐憫是不閤適的! 湯姆用自己強大的靈魂戰勝瞭架在他身上的悲慘的命運。
評分我能理解書中作者的感受,也能體會對黑奴的壓迫,更能看到奴隸製的殘酷!還可以看到作者筆下湯姆善良、厚重與愛心,但我覺得這部書被幾個政治傢有意圖的評價無限度的拔高瞭! 奴隸製必將會被廢除,是曆史的必然。而削除任何阻礙進步的終極方法,隻有戰爭。而戰爭不過是政治利益...
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