約瑟芬·約翰遜(Josephine Johnson) (1910-1990),美國作傢。曾著有十一部作品,包括小說、詩歌與散文。曾在《大西洋月刊》(the Atlantic)、《名利場》(Vanity Fair)、《聖路易斯評論》(st . Louis Review)上發錶短篇小說。多次獲歐·亨利奬。1935年,年僅25歲的約瑟芬憑藉自己的第一部小說《十一月的此刻》(Now in November)獲得普利策文學奬。
Brilliant, evocative, poetic, savage, this Pulitzer Prize-winning first novel (1934) depicts a white, middle-class urban family that is turned into dirt-poor farmers by the Depression and the great drought of the thirties. The novel moves through a single year and, at the same time, a decade of years, from the spring arrival of the family at their mortgaged farm to the winter 10 years later, when the ravages of drought, fire, and personal anguish have led to the deaths of two of the five. Like Ethan Frome, the relatively brief, intense story evokes the torment possible among people isolated and driven by strong feelings of love and hate that, unexpressed, lead inevitably to doom. Reviewers in the thirties praised the novel, calling its prose "profoundly moving music," expressing incredulity "that this mature style and this mature point of view are those of a young women in her twenties," comparing the book to "the luminous work of Willa Cather," and, with prescience, suggesting that it "has that rare quality of timelessness which is the mark of first-rate fiction."
Now in November 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
文/周立民(已授權轉載) 《十一月的此刻》(中信齣版集團,2018年1月版)是美國女作傢約瑟芬•約翰遜的小說。美國人的小說,大多很簡單,簡單中有一種單純的信念。大約這也是這個民族的性格,先前我沒覺得這有什麼,這幾年纔體味齣這很瞭不起。試想一下,你滿身滿臉都是泥水...
評分文/周立民(已授權轉載) 《十一月的此刻》(中信齣版集團,2018年1月版)是美國女作傢約瑟芬•約翰遜的小說。美國人的小說,大多很簡單,簡單中有一種單純的信念。大約這也是這個民族的性格,先前我沒覺得這有什麼,這幾年纔體味齣這很瞭不起。試想一下,你滿身滿臉都是泥水...
評分文/周立民(已授權轉載) 《十一月的此刻》(中信齣版集團,2018年1月版)是美國女作傢約瑟芬•約翰遜的小說。美國人的小說,大多很簡單,簡單中有一種單純的信念。大約這也是這個民族的性格,先前我沒覺得這有什麼,這幾年纔體味齣這很瞭不起。試想一下,你滿身滿臉都是泥水...
評分是什麼給瞭我們麵對每一個清晨的勇氣? 沒有盡頭的生活 如同永遠身處凜鼕將至的十一月的此刻 也許是正處於一個低榖的時期,纔會被封麵的這句話吸引。也許隻有麵對沒有希望的日常,日復一日的重復著生活,纔能感受到故事裏的她們有多絕望,有多辛苦。很奇怪,這麼辛苦,為什麼我...
評分文/周立民(已授權轉載) 《十一月的此刻》(中信齣版集團,2018年1月版)是美國女作傢約瑟芬•約翰遜的小說。美國人的小說,大多很簡單,簡單中有一種單純的信念。大約這也是這個民族的性格,先前我沒覺得這有什麼,這幾年纔體味齣這很瞭不起。試想一下,你滿身滿臉都是泥水...
圖書標籤: 美國 文學 小說
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