Beating the market is every investor's dream. Essential Stock Picking Strategies allows investors on Main Street to gain the consistent success (and profits) of the pros on Wall Street. Offering in-depth coverage of the most successful and popular strategies, including growth, value, and sector investing, this complete investment resource identifies successful stock-picking strategies and shares insights that help professional money managers make investment decisions. With profiles of several key money managers, including Gerald Frey, Warren Isabelle, Scott Black, Christopher Davis, and Samuel Isaly, Essential Stock Picking Strategies truly provides an "inside" look at how the professionals successfully pick stocks and win on Wall Street. By gaining a better understanding of how the professionals work, individual investors can start to invest as if they too were on Wall Street. Daniel A. Strachman is Managing Director of Answers & Company a New York-based money management firm that offers investment management services to individuals and institutions. Mr. Strachman is also the editor of The Sconset Report, a quarterly newsletter focused on applying fundamental analysis to investing in mutual funds. For the last eight year, he has worked in many capacities on Wall Street, including product development, marketing and sales focused in and around the money management industry. Mr. Strachman is the author of many articles on investment management and strategies in the popular and professional press as well as the book Getting Started in Hedge Funds (Wiley).
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