Product Description
Accused of political subversion as a young man, Dostoyevsky was sentenced to 4 years of hard labor at a Siberian prison camp. Years later, he developed this semi-autobiographical memoir of a man condemned to penal servitude for murdering his wife. This haunting and remarkable work ranks amoung Dostoyevsky's greatest masterpieces.
Accused of political subversion as a young man, Dostoyevsky was sentenced to 4 years of hard labor at a Siberian prison camp. Years later, he developed this semi-autobiographical memoir of a man condemned to penal servitude for murdering his wife. This haunting and remarkable work ranks amoung Dostoyevsky's greatest masterpieces.
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又讀完一本陀氏的書。 這本《死屋手記》實際上是陀氏對自己西伯利亞入獄及流放生活的迴憶。算是紀實文學吧。 老天待陀氏不薄,《孟子》有言,“故天將降大任於是人也,必先苦其心誌,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,……” 陀氏也沒辜負上天的這些安排,逆境中,獨飲孤獨與痛苦...
評分«死屋手記»以作者自己的親身經曆為基礎,以冷靜、客觀的筆調記述瞭他在苦役期間的見聞,從陀氏這一篇篇故事之中,我們可以看到,這小小的西伯利亞監獄,就是帝國的“縮影”。 彼時的沙皇俄國,還廣泛存在著農奴製度,而廣大底層人民與貴族之間也存在著巨大的隔閡。作為一...
評分•死屋(監獄),這裏的生活單調,僵硬,沉悶,欲望行為被限製,並且不斷受到懲罰的威脅,他們被周圍的環境壓倒,他們封閉自我,逐漸消失。西伯利亞,氣候惡劣,寒冷陰沉,身體痛苦,精神匱乏,疾病縈繞,強迫同居無法獨處一分鍾的屈辱和束縛,無盡孤獨 •處處顯現社會階梯...
評分又讀完一本陀氏的書。 這本《死屋手記》實際上是陀氏對自己西伯利亞入獄及流放生活的迴憶。算是紀實文學吧。 老天待陀氏不薄,《孟子》有言,“故天將降大任於是人也,必先苦其心誌,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,……” 陀氏也沒辜負上天的這些安排,逆境中,獨飲孤獨與痛苦...
評分又讀完一本陀氏的書。 這本《死屋手記》實際上是陀氏對自己西伯利亞入獄及流放生活的迴憶。算是紀實文學吧。 老天待陀氏不薄,《孟子》有言,“故天將降大任於是人也,必先苦其心誌,勞其筋骨,餓其體膚,空乏其身,……” 陀氏也沒辜負上天的這些安排,逆境中,獨飲孤獨與痛苦...
圖書標籤: 陀思妥耶夫斯基 外國文學 俄羅斯文學 俄國文學 FyodorDostoyevsky 西伯利亞 監獄文學 俄羅斯
Dostoyevsky wrote with a tone and heart resembling Christ's.
評分Dostoyevsky wrote with a tone and heart resembling Christ's.
評分Dostoyevsky wrote with a tone and heart resembling Christ's.
評分死活沒找到在讀的這個版本(everyman’s library, trans. by H. Sutherland Edwards)
評分Need I say what I can yet not help saying, that freedom in idea always seemed to us who were there something more free than it ever can be in reality? That was because our fancy was always dwelling upon it.
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