Jonathan Culler 美國著名批評傢,美國康奈爾大學英語與比較文學教授。著作主要包括《論解構:結構主義後的理論與批評》、《結構主義詩學》等。
What is literary theory? Is there a relationship between literature and culture? In fact, what is literature, and does it matter? These questions and more are addressed in Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction, a book which steers a clear path through a subject which is often perceived to be complex and impenetrable.
Jonathan Culler, an extremely lucid commentator and much admired in the field of literary theory, offers discerning insights into such theories as the nature of language and meaning, and whether literature is a form of self-expression or a method of appeal to an audience. Concise yet thorough, Literary Theory also outlines the ideas behind a number of different schools: deconstruction, semiotics, postcolonial theory, and structuralism, among others.
From topics such as literature and social identity to poetry, poetics, and rhetoric, Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction is a welcome guide for anyone interested in the importance of literature and the debates surrounding it.
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文學理論研究的首要難題是,如何定義文學。 我們可以用非常籠統地方式來闡述——文學是人類的一種高級的特殊的精神活動。但同樣的定義可以用在音樂、繪畫、雕塑上都毫無違和。M.H.艾布拉姆斯進一步細化,提齣瞭文學四要素的觀點,認為文學作為一種活動,是由作品、作傢、世界、...
評分Mind that this is only the excerpts from this book, not a review.... C1 Theory 1. A theory can't be obvious, it involves complex relations of a systematic kind 2. Succeed in challenging and reorienting thinking in fields other than those to which they app...
評分通常我不寫書評。以前不小心寫過一兩篇文學作品讀後感,譬如毛姆 《刀鋒》,索爾·貝婁《莫斯比的迴憶》,此後,隻對非文學類的書籍寫歸納性的讀書筆記。原因是文學的解讀門檻太高瞭。每次看到這兩篇書評,總是悚然驚愧,每每看到便給自己一個警示。然而文學作品解讀究竟是何意...
評分筆記做法:目的是給自己看,也讓彆人也明白。“【】”中是我的意見;沒有加“”的話肯定不是原話,是我作的概括——畢竟沒有自己的概括讀書就成笑話瞭,因此也不是忠實原文的。在這樣的原則下,我整理的就是我理解的,且力求簡潔。有些章節極為簡略,因為我不認為它們重要。 ...
圖書標籤: VSI 科普 文學理論 文學 Oxford
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