阿西莫夫是一个全知全能的作家,其著作几乎覆盖人类生活的一切方面,上天下海、古往今来、 从恐龙到亚原子到全宇宙无所不包,从通俗小说到罗马帝国史,从科普读物到远东千年历史,从圣经指南,到科学指南,到两性生活指南,每一部著作都朴实、严谨而又充满幽默风趣的格调,为了尽情发挥自己诙谐搞笑的天赋,他甚至还写过一本《笑话集》。
The Currents of Space 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我就是看着刘慈欣的三体开始对科幻感兴趣的 后来发现刘慈欣特别崇拜阿西莫夫 就在豆瓣上查了一下阿西莫夫的书籍 然后基地的前两本买不到 我就去看了一下别人推荐的阿西莫夫的书籍的阅读顺序 想着一起读完吧 就先买了两本什么帝国系列 老大 什么玩意啊这书~~~ 三体我看到通宵也...
评分我就是看着刘慈欣的三体开始对科幻感兴趣的 后来发现刘慈欣特别崇拜阿西莫夫 就在豆瓣上查了一下阿西莫夫的书籍 然后基地的前两本买不到 我就去看了一下别人推荐的阿西莫夫的书籍的阅读顺序 想着一起读完吧 就先买了两本什么帝国系列 老大 什么玩意啊这书~~~ 三体我看到通宵也...
评分川坨用武力想一统银河,萨克人则用经济命脉与川坨对抗,而双方争夺的关键是:只有在佛罗伦纳生长的珍贵植物蓟荋,品质最高且用途广泛,由于无法在其他星球生存,所以蓟荋成为全银河最昂贵的奢侈品。 经过两场战争,佛罗伦纳被阿克人全面控制。萨克人在佛罗伦纳建立了镇长制度,...
图书标签: 科幻 阿西莫夫 Asimov 英文 银河帝国 英文原版 小说 [DLS]
High above the planet Florinia, the Squires of Sark live in unimaginable wealth and comfort. Down in the eternal spring of the planet, however, the native Florinians labor ceaselessly to produce the precious kyrt that brings prosperity to their Sarkite masters. Rebellion is unthinkable and impossible. Not only do the Florinians no longer have a concept of freedom, any disruption of the vital kyrt trade would cause other planets to rise in protest, ultimately destabilizing trade and resulting in a galactic war. So the Trantorian Empire, whose grand plan is to unite all humanity in peace, prosperity, and freedom, has stood aside and allowed the oppression to continue. Living among the workers of Florinia, Rik is a man without a memory or a past. He has been abducted and brainwashed. Barely able to speak or care for himself when he was found, Rik is widely regarded as a simpleton by the worker community where he lives. But as his memories begin to return, Rik finds himself driven by a cryptic message he is determined to deliver: Everyone on Florinia is doomed . . . the Currents of Space are bringing destruction. But if the planet is evacuated, the power of Sark will end--so some would finish the job and would kill the messenger. The fate of the Galaxy hangs in the balance.
The Currents of Space 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书