Our civilization runs on software. Yet the art of creating it continues to be a dark mystery, even to the experts. To find out why it’s so hard to bend computers to our will, Scott Rosenberg spent three years following a team of maverick software developers—led by Lotus 1-2-3 creator Mitch Kapor—designing a novel personal information manager meant to challenge market leader Microsoft Outlook. Their story takes us through a maze of abrupt
dead ends and exhilarating breakthroughs as they wrestle not only with the abstraction of code, but with the unpredictability of human behavior— especially their own.
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前幾日偶然遇到科學鬆鼠會開齣的一份書單,列齣瞭各專業領域經典書籍,跟計算機相關的,第一本就是夢斷代碼。這纔想起遙遠而又不太遙遠的幾個下午,我在圖書館樓梯口的某個位置看完瞭此書。 對我來說這本書跟經典無關。如果你想學程序設計,你應該去看XX編程藝術、thinking in...
評分引子 昨天晚上,我終於把《夢斷代碼》這本書看完瞭。之前,我開展”Chandler中文化”這個項目,在內心深處的原因是 “我啟動這個項目,並不是從所謂的用戶角度,或者是為瞭推廣 隻是覺得這樣一個優秀的、能與GTD這麼緊密結閤的軟件 實在罕見,也難以找到 雖...
評分我手頭上有兩個人,其中一個對企業流程非常的熟悉,另外一個就CODING來說簡直就是上帝,為什麼他們搞不定一個小小的自動化過程? 廢話,他們兩個,一個是火星人,一個是金星人,語言不通。 看不明白的話,不解釋瞭。 ---------------------------------------------------- ...
評分花瞭一周的時間,看完瞭《Dreaming in Code》(夢斷代碼),看得我心潮起伏。對裏麵那幫傢夥的評價也起起落落。最終的結論是:外國大牛也不過如此。 彆看他們名頭那麼響,做瞭那麼多超有名的項目,實際的能力(軟件開發能力與項目管理能力)看來相當有限。感想很多,想到一點...
評分我手頭上有兩個人,其中一個對企業流程非常的熟悉,另外一個就CODING來說簡直就是上帝,為什麼他們搞不定一個小小的自動化過程? 廢話,他們兩個,一個是火星人,一個是金星人,語言不通。 看不明白的話,不解釋瞭。 ---------------------------------------------------- ...
圖書標籤: Code 雜文 技術創業 Tracy‘sreadinglist.
所謂軟件 是不過是程序猿的血淚史 所謂代碼如詩 於子虛烏有中創造 描繪自己的夢而已 夢之所寄,行之所為——地獄之門就此洞開
評分Real life of an engineering world, in the soft way, vs the hardware, so it's called a dream, in the opposite side of reality.
評分所謂軟件 是不過是程序猿的血淚史 所謂代碼如詩 於子虛烏有中創造 描繪自己的夢而已 夢之所寄,行之所為——地獄之門就此洞開
評分Real life of an engineering world, in the soft way, vs the hardware, so it's called a dream, in the opposite side of reality.
評分Real life of an engineering world, in the soft way, vs the hardware, so it's called a dream, in the opposite side of reality.
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