迈克尔•翁达杰(Michael Ondaatje,1943-)出生于斯里兰卡,十一岁时随母亲移居英国,十九岁移居加拿大,并在那里接受教育。他出版过五本小说、一本回忆录、一本关于电影的非虚构作品和几部诗集。他于一九九二年出版的小说《英国病人》(The English Patient)荣获布克奖,后被改编成同名电影,二〇〇〇年出版的小说《菩萨凝视的岛屿》(Anil’s Ghost)获吉尔奖和美第奇奖。二〇〇七年出版小说《遥望》(Divisadero),获得加拿大总督文学奖。他现居多伦多。
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天气太冷,消减了人心的热度。窗外,月亮试图证明夜空的厚度,兀自苍白的圆着。 因为一根Sata数据线光荣罢工,剩下一块硬盘独力支撑的电脑里,保存的唱片只有寥寥三四十张,于是莫名点开了Ólafur Arnalds的《...and they have escaped the weight of darkness》——身边的空...
评分 评分我读遥望 是选择在每个午后闲暇的时间 说是闲暇其实是偷来的些许时光 我在工作 身边有絮絮叨叨的用工作时间购物的同事 不停地想起的旺旺的叮咚声 此起彼伏 。。。而我是真的孤独 ,内心里空廓的回音,虚无的喘息,孤独到一本书都能拯救我,但是这本书 ,却使我愈发孤寂。 ...
评分总共用了3个晚上,才结束这部荡气回肠的人生鸿篇史诗!其实我对作者迈克尔.翁达杰并不熟悉,对于那部令他声名鹊起的佳作“英国病人”,也是在不经世事,天真无知的年华中看过电影,并未欣赏过原著!印象中仅存一片片美到快要窒息的残景,却不再记得有什么触动人心的情节了! ...
评分图书标签: 英文原版 english Ondaatje,Michael
From the celebrated author of The English Patient and Anil's Ghost comes a remarkable, intimate novel of intersecting lives that ranges across continents and time. In the 1970s in Northern California a father and his teenage daughters, Anna and Claire, work their farm with the help of Coop, an enigmatic young man who makes his home with them. Theirs is a makeshift family, until it is shattered by an incident of violence that sets fire to the rest of their lives. Divisadero takes us from San Francisco to the raucous backrooms of Nevada's casinos and eventually to the landscape of southern France. As the narrative moves back and forth through time and place, we find each of the characters trying to find some foothold in a present shadowed by the past.
Divisadero 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书