Ajax is no longer an experimental approach to website development, but the key to building browser-based applications that form the cornerstone of Web 2.0. "Head First Ajax" gives you an up-to-date perspective that lets you see exactly what you can do - and has been done - with Ajax. With it, you get a highly practical, in-depth, and mature view of what is now a mature development approach. Using the unique and highly effective visual format that has turned "Head First" titles into runaway bestsellers, this book offers a big picture overview to introduce Ajax, and then explores the use of individual Ajax components - including the JavaScript event model, DOM, XML, JSON, and more - as it progresses.You'll find plenty of sample applications that illustrate the concepts, along with exercises, quizzes, and other interactive features to help you retain what you've learned. "Head First Ajax" covers: the JavaScript event model; making Ajax requests with XML HTTP REQUEST objects; the asynchronous application model; the Document Object Model (DOM); manipulating the DOM in JavaScript; controlling the browser with the Browser Object Model; XHTML Forms; POST Requests; XML Syntax and the XML DOM tree; XML Requests & Responses; JSON - an alternative to XML; Ajax architecture & patterns; and the Prototype Library.The book also discusses the server-side implications of building Ajax applications, and uses a "black box" approach to server-side components. "Head First Ajax" is the ideal guide for experienced web developers comfortable with scripting - particularly those who have completed the exercises in "Head First JavaScript" - and for experienced programmers in Java, PHP, and C# who want to learn client-side programming.
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評分Head 的書一貫是比較淺顯易懂的,看這樣的影印書真有感覺是在學習程序。對於程序這個非中國人發明的東西,還是看原版的比較過癮。 就本書而言,比較薄,沒有其他的語言的厚實感。內容上看也有點淡薄。如果現在你用Ajax是針對PHP的,那麼這算是一本不錯的書,但是你用的是其他的...
評分Head 的書一貫是比較淺顯易懂的,看這樣的影印書真有感覺是在學習程序。對於程序這個非中國人發明的東西,還是看原版的比較過癮。 就本書而言,比較薄,沒有其他的語言的厚實感。內容上看也有點淡薄。如果現在你用Ajax是針對PHP的,那麼這算是一本不錯的書,但是你用的是其他的...
評分Head 的書一貫是比較淺顯易懂的,看這樣的影印書真有感覺是在學習程序。對於程序這個非中國人發明的東西,還是看原版的比較過癮。 就本書而言,比較薄,沒有其他的語言的厚實感。內容上看也有點淡薄。如果現在你用Ajax是針對PHP的,那麼這算是一本不錯的書,但是你用的是其他的...
圖書標籤: AJAX HeadFirst web開發 JavaScript Ajax 計算機 計算機科學與技術 編程
Head First係列幾乎都可以打5星。
評分全文讀完減一星,後麵四、五章的知識雖然必要,但放在寫AJAX的書裏有濫竽充數之嫌。 // 讀瞭一半,還算是按計劃行事。每章一個實用的例子,學起來實在是受益匪淺!另外,全書不單單講XMLHttpRequest,而是從廣義上來講解Ajax,贊! // 多次嘗試之後走上瞭學習Ajax的正道,按照一天一章的進度,兩周內應該可以拿下,學習時心情大好。
評分Head first 的都五星啦。。啊哈哈哈
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