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About the Author
Diomidis Spinellis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. His research interests include software engineering, programming languages, internet information systems, computer security, and intelligent optimization methods. He holds an MEng in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science both from Imperial College London.
Spinellis is a FreeBSD committer and the author of many open-source software packages, libraries, and tools. His implementation of the Unix sed stream editor is part of all BSD Unix distributions and Apple's Mac OS X. Other tools he has developed include the UMLGraph declarative UML drawing engine, the ckjm tool for calculating Chidamber and Kemerer object-oriented metrics in large Java programs, the Outwit suite for integrating Windows features with command-line tools, the fileprune backup file management facility, and the socketpipe network plumbing utility. In 2004 he adopted and has since been maintaining and enhancing the popular bib2xhtml BibTeX bibliography format to HTML converter. Currently he is also serving as the scientific coordinator of the EU-funded SQO-OSS cooperative research project, a software quality observatory for open-source software.
Beautiful Architecture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这是我读过的书中没读完就匆匆束之高阁的为数不多的书之一。连陈莱的《有无止境》我都坚持着看完了。而这本,实在读不下去了。 理由一:架构之美很难一句两句说清。美,本身是很虚幻的。不同人的认同度是不一样的。就像是建筑物,哥特式尖顶和拜占庭式圆穹顶各有偏...
评分我想说技术书基本上都有针对性,像学C++的如果看effective java肯定很难引起共鸣(你不要跟我说在高手眼里都一样,关键是这样的高手有几个)。对这本书在豆瓣上的评分这么低有点惊讶。我在博库书城的沙发上花了两个钟头粗粗的看了下,前面几章看的比较仔细(据说是这本书的精华...
评分最近在总结09年写的东西,刚好看到这本书,思考良多,尤其是第二章《两个系统的故事》。 虽然这本书讲的是架构,但我认为所有的开发人员都应该读。如果满足于顺序编码、走到哪里算哪里;如果不在一开始就基于高内聚、低耦合的目标设计,而是零散的编写业务组件;如果团队内部...
图书标签: 架构 architecture 软件工程 软件开发 编程 O'Reilly 计算机科学 软件设计
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Product Description
What are the ingredients of robust, elegant, flexible, and maintainable software architecture? Beautiful Architecture answers this question through a collection of intriguing essays from more than a dozen of today's leading software designers and architects. In each essay, contributors present a notable software architecture, and analyze what makes it innovative and ideal for its purpose.
Some of the engineers in this book reveal how they developed a specific project, including decisions they faced and tradeoffs they made. Others take a step back to investigate how certain architectural aspects have influenced computing as a whole. With this book, you'll discover:
* How Facebook's architecture is the basis for a data-centric application ecosystem
* The effect of Xen's well-designed architecture on the way operating systems evolve
* How community processes within the KDE project help software architectures evolve from rough sketches to beautiful systems
* How creeping featurism has helped GNU Emacs gain unanticipated functionality
* The magic behind the Jikes RVM self-optimizable, self-hosting runtime
* Design choices and building blocks that made Tandem the choice platform in high-availability environments for over two decades
* Differences and similarities between object-oriented and functional architectural views
* How architectures can affect the software's evolution and the developers' engagement
Go behind the scenes to learn what it takes to design elegant software architecture, and how it can shape the way you approach your own projects, with Beautiful Architecture.
第一章可细读一遍. 其余不重要.
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评分第一章可细读一遍. 其余不重要.
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评分快速浏览过一遍... 初觉讲得比较简略
Beautiful Architecture 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书