傑弗裏·阿切爾(Jeffrey Archer)畢業於牛津大學,1969年成為英國當時最年輕的國會議員,後曾任保守黨副主席,1992年成為上院終身議員。從1974年第一部長篇小說《一分不多,一分不少》問世起,阿切爾陸續發錶瞭10多部作品,包括長篇小說、短篇小說和劇本多種體裁,題材則不離政壇風雲、國際衝突、傢族爭鬥,巧妙的懸念設置、情節推進和適度穿插的情色描寫則助阿切爾榮登最暢銷作傢的寶座。
On April 15, 1906, two baby boys entered the world. One was born to a life of prosperity and ease, the other to a world of hardship and struggle. On different sides of the globe, they grew up -- one shaped by a luxurious upbringing, fine schools, and a history he read; the other well tempered by war, slavery, and the history he was part of.William Lowell Kane, scion of a Boston banking family, and Abel Rosnovski, penniless Polish immigrant -- one is gold, the other steel. Rosnovski is Kane s ultimate adversary, while Kane Kane embodies everything that Rosnovski stands against. In their relentless battle, both men know that there can be only one victor -- and one vanquished.Across three generations and around a rapidly changing world, their war rages unchecked, for the love of a dream, the loss of an empire, and the lure of a fortune.
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評分 評分兩個同一天來到世上的男孩,一個生於銀行世傢,貴為天之驕子;另一個被獵戶收養,經曆戰亂、逃離勞工營,為生存苦苦掙紮。命運安排兩人相遇,他們卻陰錯陽差地成瞭死敵,開始長達一生的爭鬥。《該隱與亞伯》被譽為傢族爭鬥小說的極品,是英國作傢傑弗裏·阿切爾最受歡迎的暢...
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