The publication on 29 May 1545 of the first edition of the primer
authorized by Henry VIII brought to completion a project in which
the king himself had taken a great interest and an active part. During
the remainder of 1545 and the course of 1546, thirteen authorized
editions appeared: ten in English, two in English and Latin, and one
in Latin only. In each case it was The Primer, authorized by the king
and his clergy, its contents prescribed, its licensed printers limited to
two, its primacy firmly established: "... to be taught, learned, and
read: none other to be used throughout all his dominions." It is clear
that Henry saw the whole affair as an important undertaking, requir-
ing such powerful sanctions as royal authorization and ecclesiastical
approbation. It was a time in which theological argument and dispu-
tation engaged the Church in all its parts, clerical and lay. Henry
responded to this ferment by attempting to maintain control over
every aspect of English Church life, as a means of preserving in a
difficult and distressed time the orderliness of the realm.
The Primer Set Forth by the Kinges Maiestie and His Clergie 1545 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
The Primer Set Forth by the Kinges Maiestie and His Clergie 1545 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載