Speedwriting Dictionary contains shorthand outlines
for over 20,000 words, all arranged in alphabetical
order. Each word is divided at the syllable breaks pre-
ferred for word division in typing, not necessarily
phonetic word division.
The rules followed in these word divisions are:
1. Divide words only between syllables: blas/
pheme, not blasph/eme.
2. Retain at least two letters of a word on the
first line, preferably three or more: abomi/nable
or abomina/ble, not a/bominable.
3. Carry over three or more letters of a word to the
second line: bus/ily, not busi/ly.
4. Divide hyphenated words at the hyphen only:
teen-/ager, not teen-alger.
5. Divide after the double letter when a syllable is
added to a complete word ending in a double
letter: small/ est, not sinai/lest.
6. Divide between vowels when they constitute
two one-letter syllables coming together: idi/ocy,
not id/iocy; apothe/osis, not apoth/eosis.
7. Divide after a one-letter syllable that occurs
within a word: bio/scope, not bi/oscope.
Speedwriting dictionary: Secondary edition Landmark series 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
Speedwriting dictionary: Secondary edition Landmark series 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載