M01¡¯e than a 11alf-centtn¡¯v llas passed since I hrSt read T£®E£®<br > Lawl¡¯ence¡¯s 5Ì¿ÚÙ¢JPi£¬larS o³§Wisdom£¬yet I can still recalllliS¡¢ignettes ot<br > the personalities Ile encountered£®1 remembel¡¯particularly 11iS assessÒ»¡¯<br > ment of¡¯Sil¡¯Ronaid Ston¡¯S£®then the 0I¡¯iental Secretary ot¡¯the Residencx r<br > in Cail¡¯O£®whom Lawllence described as¡°the inost brilliant Englishman<br > in the Near East£®¡±Storrs£¬he said£¬was¡°subtly efficient£®¡±1)ut he COLil(1<br > have been far lnore so¡°ha(i he not spread his energies f)¡¢£¬eF a¡¢¡¢£®ide spec¡ª<br > trum of£®£®£®interests¡±¡ª011£¬in other words£®¡°had he 1)een ahle to den ¡¢j r<br > himself the WOllld£®£®£®£®¡¯¡¯<br > I mentioned this coIlllnelit one ariel¡¯noon when Iean Monne!all(11<br > welle working togetfim¡¯in llis country llouse at Houlal¡«1 ay£®a feW kilo¡ª<br > metel¡¯S from Pal¡¯is£®¡°Of¡¯COUl¡¯se£¬Lawrence was right£¬¡±Ile obser¡¢red£¬¡°and<br > you should take it tO lleart£®Yon ought to dem£¬yourselt¡¯tile wor](1 fal£¬<br > more than you do£®YOU sfiouldn¡¯t difftlse youl¡¯enel¡¯gies£®1et so inall¡¢ï¼Œ£¬<br > things light up yore¡¯imagination£®You should find yotn¡¯selt¡¯a single theme£¬<br > a single cause£¬and devote yore¡¯life to it£®That¡¯S tile 011lv way yOU¡¯ll e¡¢£¬el£¬<br > move mountains£®¡±<br > Though Monnet¡¯S advice was no doubt right£®1le knew that 1 would<br > not tollow it£®AS tiffs book discloses£®I could nm£¬el£¬mustel£¬the discipline<br > to concentrate exclusively on a single well£®deftned obiecti¡¢£¬e 011¡ª¡ªto put it<br > another way¡ªto lmid ally iob¡¢rel¡¯Y long£®Monnet was not the()nix£¬one to<br > chide me about tiffs£®When£¬in 1 968£¬under relentless pl¡¤essui¡¤e fl£¬onl<br > President Lvndon Iohnson£¬I undel¡¯took a bl¡¯iefl stint as Unitecl States<br > ambassadol¡¯to the United Nations£¬my old f riend 10lin Kennetfi Gal£®<br > braith wrote anxiously to record his bafflement at illy¡°CUl£¬ious cal£¬eer<br > pattern£®¡¯¡¯<br > A book otl memoirs iS by definition all exel£¬cise in self-indulgence£®vet<br > to undertake such a task implies sonle acknowledgnlent of fading ambi¡ª<br > tlon£®I recall a story about Beru¡¯and Russell£¬who£¬when urged in his<br > eighties to write his memoil¡¯S£¬replied£¬¡°Who can say that it s not prema£®<br > tUlle}Some day I may be the President of Mexico£®¡±<br >
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