Introduction<br > Working with Young Children is designed to An important part of child care involves<br >help you prepare for a career in child care. It creating a safe, healthy learning environment.<br >teaches practical ways to guide children through As you read this text, you will learn techniques<br >a variety of daily experiences in safe, educa- for keeping children safe, healthy, and nour-<br >tional ways. ished. In addition, you will learn to provide ex-<br > Success in working with children begins by periences that build children s enthusiasm for<br >understanding children. This book starts with learning.<br >an overview of the physical, intellectual, social, Working with Young Children prepares you<br >and emotional characteristics of young chil- for other important aspects of child care. These<br >dren. Using this information will help you plan include planning classroom curriculum and<br >for and react to children with confidence that developing strategies for involving parents in<br >your actions are developmentally appropriate, child care programs. The book also prepares<br > Once you understand children, you are ready you to handle special care concerns related to<br >to develop and build your guidance skills. This infants, toddlers, and special needs children.<br >text teaches you practical techniques for guiding Finally, the book prepares you to launch a<br >children as you establish rules and handle daily career in child care, helping you explore the<br >routines. It also gives helpful suggestions for types of programs and refine your job hunting<br >dealing with guidance problems, skills.<br > About the Author<br > The quality of this textbook reflects Judy national, and international conferences.<br >Herr s intense dedication to early childhood Judy is active in several professional associa-<br >education. With over 20 years of experience in tions including the National Association for the<br >the field, Judy currently supervises and ad- Education of Young Children, National<br >ministers seven children s programs at the Association of Early Childhood Teacher<br >University of Wisconsin-Stout. She also teaches Educators, and American Home Economics<br >college curriculum classes and advises research. Association. Her many contributions and<br > Judy has published several books, manuals, accomplishments in these and other organiza-<br >and articles on early childhood education. Her tions have resulted in much recognition.<br >articles have been printed in such noted jour- Recently, Judy was given the Shirley Dean<br >nals as Young Children, Journal of Home Award for Distinguished Service from the<br >Economics, and Texas Child Care Quarterly. Midwestern Association for the Education of<br >She has been a Ruest sneaker at local, reoinnal Vmmo C~hilclron<br >
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