Fight Fat 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
J!. i fj (7; ~ : ~I<br > Diet Is No Diet at All<br > omen wear diet blinders. Screening out Calorie Control Council in Atlanta. She may try<br > much of the taste, smell, and enjoyment of food, eliminating "bad" foods--things like chocolate,<br > the blinders leave us focused on how much body cake, peanut butter, beer, and steak. She may try<br > fat particular foods will create. So we look at eating particular foods almost exclusively--<br > cake and see fat hips. We look at fried chicken going on grapefruit diets, cabbage soup diets,<br > and see fat thighs. We look at cheesecake and and olive-and-egg diets. She may skip meals. Or<br > see a fat behind, slash calories. At any rate, it all comes down to<br > When wearing such blinders, we tend to tab- the same thing: She deprives herself until the<br > ulate and calculate. A slice of cake now plus pounds drop off. And then she begins eating<br > some aerobics tonight minus breakfast tomorrow normally again.<br > equals an "l-can-live-with-that" tummy or You d think that with all this dieting, women<br > thighs. We re so used to the blinders, which would get thinner. We don t. In fact, we get<br > most of us have worn since adolescence, that we fatter. In the mid-1970s, 26 percent of women<br > wouldn t dream of leaving home without them. age 20 and older were obese, meaning that they<br > Yet, if we want to become successful fat-fighters, were 20 percent above their desirable weight as<br > we must discard them. "Although we think diets defined in the Metropolitan Life Insurance<br > are making us thinner, "all they really do in the Company height/weight table. By the early<br > long run is make us fatter," says Debra Water- 1990s, the percentage swelled to 35 percent. Ba-<br > house, R.D., a San Francisco nutritionist and sically, dieting doesn t work. Half of those who<br > author of Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell. lose weight by cutting c ,dories regain or exceed<br > their weight within a year. The long-term num-<br > Yes, Diets Are Fattening bers are even more dismal. "Ninety-five percent<br > of women who lose weight regain it all within<br > The average woman who diets starts a new five years," says Sue Cummings, R.D., assistant<br >
Fight Fat 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书