,t<br > As we are informed so often in the media of late, the New Comics are here. Over the last couple<br > of years, enough genuinely interesting titles have sprung up from the generally mundane and<br > moribund mass of the comics mainstream to provoke rumors of a renaissance. The comic strip<br > seems to be teetering on the verge of both a new mass acceptance and a qnantum leap in terms<br > of quality. And yet, if we look through the material under discussion, leaving aside the hype<br > and adrenaline, what do we really find? We find a few super-hero/fantasy titles in which the<br > quality of writing and graphic artistry has been refined to a standard well above the admittedly<br > low standards of that particular genre. That isn t to take anything away from the accomplish-<br > ment of a work like Dark Knight, or, God knows, Watchmen. Rather, it s an attempt to put<br > them in perspective: They are very good super-hero comics. The novelty of what is such an<br > apparent contradiction in terms has probably been responsible for bringing a lot of the popular<br > critical attention and subsequent influx of new readers that comics have enjoyed of late, but<br > novelty seems a fickle phenomenon to hang the aspirations of an entire medium upon. Simply<br > put, the vast potential audience for comics that allegedly waits out there cannot be expected<br > to endlessly endure the same procession of capes and masks that the semi-addicted and thus<br > more forgiving hardcore comic book reader has accepted over the past 40 years. Whatever con-<br > temporary nuances we might choose to update the super-hero s basic wardrobe with, at the end<br > of the day we still have a super-hero comic, with all of the limitations that term implies. If comic<br > books seriously hope to establish themselves amidst the media monsoon of the 80s and 90s,<br > they must make the eftort to go beyond such artificial boundaries. They must stake out new<br > territories with a breadth more suited to the demands of the times.<br > In my opinion, when all the dust and the flavor-of-the-month furor have been allowed to settle,<br > one of the names most likely to emerge as a genuinely innovative force within the field is that<br > of Gilbert Hemandez, author and artist of this current volume and part of the breathtaking fam-<br >:ily enterprise that is Love and Rockets along with equally talented siblings Jaime and, less fre-<br >quently, Mario. When this black and white anthology title burst like a signal flare over the comic<br >book landscape a few short years ago, its impact was profound and immediate. Deliberately<br >"ayoiding the proven, popular, and profitable content of the teen-age super-hero team books,<br >~l-,ove & Rockets has never been one of the industry s best selling titles, but it has remained con-<br >slstenly amongst the very best reading that the medium has to offer. The material within is<br >i~ithout exception intelligent, stylish, and charged with a raw visceral impact that other media<br >~0nly occasionally provide. Above all, the work in Love & Rockets rewards the attentions of<br >,a,more serious and mature reader because it is challenging, and nowhere lnore so than in the<br >work collected in this volume~<br > In Heartbreak Soup, Gilbert Hernandez has produced a comic strip which for its effect depends<br >,Upon an entirely different set of principles than those usually applied to mainstream American<br >.comics. Even more than brother Jaime, who to a degree revels in reworking tile icons and sym-<br >bols of comic book trash culture in his "Locas" stories, Gilbert is drawing upon sources which<br >to the traditional comic book tan must seem alien and obscure. In his use of solid black and in<br >!he kinetic fur), of his characters it s possible to see the influence of the Japanese manga cartoon-<br >Ists at work. Elsewhere, the boldness of his compositions ew)kes the current crop of European<br >bande dessinee merchants in its use of open space. Somehow, these diverse sensibilities are<br >then brought to bear upon the everyday events ofa sntall and impoverished Mexican communi-<br >ty, the end result being a strip that is certairdy the most emotionally powerful and perhaps also<br >the most skillfully written offering currently available.<br > For its subject matter, Heartbreak Soup focuses unblinkingly upon the lives of people who<br >are painfully ordinary and, in a confic book marketplace dominated by mutants, man-nmchines,<br >and martial-arts-mercenarms, even mundane. It lives gs<br > ~ - , ,, presents a s or), /e where he lives and doiu ,s<br >~1 even the most minor backgrot ld characte s beco ne st enerossi,m in th~.i -t;, , m, g<br > - ~. ,, g .e._ re..ec .,~,sclx a-<br >tlOn tnat the idea of there being sortie heroic "nlain ch~.u aclers" lbr the strip to revolve around<br >
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Heartbreak Soup and Other Stories 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載