Supervixen 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
i~<br > ,~CKNOWLEDGMENTS<br > I would like to thank all the people who ship, while seesawing between the stimulating<br > made this book possible, including: "highs" of coffee and doughnuts and the crash<br > Robert Kennedy, who has a special place lng "lows" that typically followed. Your work<br > in my heart as the first person who saw my po- was never less than excellent.<br > tential long before anyone else did, including Bill Jentz and John Nafpliotis from Women s<br > myself. Physique World, who provided me with some<br > Alden Photographic Inc. and BGM photo labs key photos; nobody has a greater appreciation of<br > for doing a great job on the pictures, and for the female muscle anatomy than you fellows.<br > putting up with my meticulous attitude and hi- Ron s Gym, Monster Gym, and Gunn s Physical<br > ~lar.ious deadline demands. (Photo lab: "How fast F/X Studio for allowing me to use their superb<br > do you need it done?" Negrita: "Yesterdayl") training facilities. Together, you form the heart<br > Richard Ctottl of Perfetto Sportswear, who beat of Toronto s body culture movement.<br > outfitted me with the coolest-looking, most lmma Renna, Gunnar Sikk, and Paul Jeffrey,<br > ~tunntng-colored, cutest sportswear.., south of who assisted me with many important details<br > the 49th parallel, too numerous to mention.<br > Ktm Uyeno and Scott Hopkins from Brooks, Nancy Crossman and Contemporary Books for<br > who equipped me with the coolestqooking, believing in my vision. Special thanks go to<br > most stunning.colored, cutest sportswear . . . Nancy (and my personal award as this year s<br > north of the 49th parallel. "Best Publisher"). On more than one occasion,<br > Bob Bryce and Cycle World for allowing me to unforeseen circumstances presented themselves<br > U~e their facilities, as well as race around town, thereby delaying the deadline. In every case<br > ~-~ttng the very limits of a brand new Harley-- Nancy proved herself so understanding and so<br > before the customer had a chance to pick it up! cool under pressure that she must have ice water<br > (Jtl~t kidding.) in her blood and gold in her heart. Nancy,<br > Marck Labas, profound penciller, and Tom thanks for being there. 1 am truly grateful to<br > 4~/egrzyn, incredible inker (and known for his work for such a consummate professional as<br > heaivy.duty .liver), for listening patiently to my yourself.<br > c-oB~pt.s and then crystallizing them perfectly And most of all, 1 thank God. He gave the fe-<br > -~to artistic reality, male body the amazing ability to become some-<br > Steve Douglas for his world-class lensman- thing even more beautiful than it already is.<br > Acknowledgments xi<br >
Supervixen 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书