i To the Instructor<br > I<br > Few moments are more pleasing than those in which the mind is<br > concerting measures for a new undertaking.<br > The Rambler, no. 207<br > i When the first edition of Research Papers appeared in 1959, President Eisen-<br >hower was completing his second term, the Los Angeles Dodgers defeated the Chicago<br >White Sox in the World Series, the Motion Picture Academy named Charlton Heston best<br >actor for his role in Ben-Hu~; manned space flight was a year away, and Vietnam was a<br >vaguely familiar place somewhere in Asia. When this ninth edition reaches bookstores,<br >Research Papers will have attained the venerable age of 36 Ia year older than Dante when<br >he began the Dlvine Comedy and twice as old as most students who will use the book. An<br >even more disconcerting statistic: in dog-years Research Papers is 253 years old.<br > Such an advanced age is usually characterized by commitment to a clear-cut purpose.<br >ActuaRy, the purpose of this handbook has remained tile same since its infancv as a<br >mimeographed pamphlet--to recommend efficient research techniques and to represent<br >accurately and clearly current practices in research and documentation.<br > The chapters in this edition follow the same basic order as in the eighth edition, but a<br >number of changes should make the book more functional or "user-friendi)q" All examples<br >Of documentation and all listings of reference works have been updated. Familiarity with the<br >library can be the most valuable by-product of research writing, but a single long chapter on<br >the library might be rather intimidating. The discussion of library procedures, therefi)re, is<br >divided; general library practices are explained in Chapter 2, and specialized facilities are<br >described and illustrated in Chapter 3. The most significant development in library<br >resources recently is the increased availability of reference materials on CD-ROM; this<br >facility, which makes computer searching readily available in most academic libraries, is<br >discussed in Chapter 3. Because plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, can occur during<br >the collection of material or in the actual writing of a paper, this distasteful subject is<br >discussed in Chapter 4 and again in Chapter 6. Outlining techniques and various types of<br >outlines are discussed in Chapter 5. To emphasize that a successful paper is usually<br >composed in stages, not written in a single sitting, the rough draft is discussed in Chapter 6<br >and the final copy in Chapter 7. Each year more students arrive in college with word<br >processing skills, and so uses of a word processor are discussed at the beginning of Chapter 6.<br >
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