Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu or Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese military strategist believed to be the author of the acclaimed military text, The Art of War. Details about Sun Tzu s background and life are uncertain, although he is believed to have lived c. 544-496 BCE. Through The Art of War, Sun Tzu s theories and strategies have influenced military leaders and campaigns throughout time, including the samurai of ancient and early-modern Japan, and more recently Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Cong and American generals Norman Swarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell during the Persian Gulf War in the 1990s.
John S. Bowman, the author of the preface, majored in English literature at Harvard University and did his graduate studies at Trinity College at the University of Cambridge and the University of Munich. After some years in New York publishing, starting with Story Magazine, he has been an independent editor and author, involved in a wide spectrum of publishing projects. His many edited volumes include The Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography and the Columbia Chronicles of Asian History and Culture. His own works include The Quest for Atlantis, Diamond.c in the Rough, and Shaker Style.
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最近看到历史频道解读孙子兵法的节目中讲,较之传统上攻城掠地,殊死杀伐以求威名荣耀,类似象棋的战争理念,孙子兵法更像在下围棋:一盘棋,表面看去风起云涌,实际上却可以不杀一子,以最小的消耗寻求最大的利益。All in all, Sun Tzu cared nothing but victory 于是赶紧上...
评分当我在从事技术行业的时候,我看孙子兵法,它是一本指导战争的理论书; 当我从事销售的时候,我看孙子兵法,它是一本传授销售思想的书; 当我了解项目管理以后,我看孙子兵法,它是一本提供项目管理指导的书; 当我经历了更多的人更多的事情以后,我看孙子兵法,它是一本教你怎么做好各个...
评分“曾星智100本推荐书目”第2本、《孙子兵法》,孙子,军事/兵法/孙子/兵家/先秦子学/军事理论。 笔记/曾星智,一个跨学科思想的专业投资者,公众号:ztouzi 《执行孙子绝对优势的投资战略》 ——曾星智《孙子兵法》读书笔记和投资思索 孙武的《孙子兵法》不仅仅是一部...
评分常言道:“人在江湖,身不由己。”一旦踏上工作岗位,绝巧弃利,不争之德便成了虚幻的理想,我们急需孙子兵法来武装自己,不求雄霸天下,只求不为人欺。 首先,我们必须审度三个方面的情况:一是法规,二是潮流,三是人际。法规包括国家的各项律条和单位的规章制度。“...
The only ancient Chinese biography was written some four centuries after he lived; there Sun Tzu is described as belonging to the Chinese aristocracy that no longer owned much land, so he became a mercenary. The only fixed date we have for him is 512 B.C., when he was purportedly hired by a king of Wu, one of China’s then warring states, to serve as a general; allegedly, he was so successful that Wu conquered the powerful state of Chu, at which point Sun Tzu seems to vanish from history. But he is credited with having composed his military treatise even before 512 B.C. - a work titled Bing Fa , which might be literally translated as ¡°military methods¡± or ¡°army procedures¡± but which has come to be known as The Art of War.
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