傑明・格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)
戴維・多德(David Dodd)
"A road map for investing that I have now been following for 57 years."
--From the Foreword by Warren E. Buffett . First published in 1934, Security Analysis is one of the most influential financial books ever written. Selling more than one million copies through five editions, it has provided generations of investors with the timeless value investing philosophy and techniques of Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd. . As relevant today as when they first appeared nearly 75 years ago, the teachings of Benjamin Graham, �the father of value investing,� have withstood the test of time across a wide diversity of market conditions, countries, and asset classes. . This new sixth edition, based on the classic 1940 version, is enhanced with 200 additional pages of commentary from some of today�s leading Wall Street money managers. These masters of value investing explain why the principles and techniques of Graham and Dodd are still highly relevant even in today�s vastly different markets. The contributor list includes: . Seth A. Klarman, president of The Baupost Group, L.L.C. and author of Margin of Safety . James Grant, founder of Grant's Interest Rate Observer , general partner of Nippon Partners. Jeffrey M. Laderman, twenty-five year veteran of BusinessWeek . Roger Lowenstein , author of Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist and When America Aged and Outside Director, Sequoia Fund. Howard S. Marks, CFA, Chairman and Co-Founder, Oaktree Capital Management L.P.. J. Ezra Merkin, Managing Partner, Gabriel Capital Group .. Bruce Berkowitz, Founder, Fairholme Capital Management.. Glenn H. Greenberg, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Chieftain Capital Management. Bruce Greenwald, Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia Business School. David Abrams, Managing Member, Abrams Capital. . Featuring a foreword by Warren E. Buffett (in which he reveals that he has read the 1940 masterwork �at least four times�), this new edition of Security Analysis will reacquaint you with the foundations of value investing�more relevant than ever in the tumultuous 21st century markets. . (20080617)
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毋需讀名著。 格雷厄姆的體係基於財務分析,較之於之前盛行的基於k綫圖歸納的投機體係無疑完成瞭從猿到人的一步;但真正的投資必須基於對企業文化和管理之道的深刻理解,費雪已然初窺堂奧,格雷厄姆則不然,巴菲特譽格雷厄姆此書為投資聖經無乃太過! 誤人誤己,置此書於辦公桌...
評分敬,格雷厄姆! 關於這個版本,兩個問題。 1, 一大堆廢話完全可以忽略。光全書導言就1/3本書,每章節還要導。一本書非要弄成兩本,除瞭增加分量和價格彆無用處。 讀格雷厄姆那部分就可以,所以我把格雷厄姆的部分撕下來,重新裝訂,其他的部分和昨天晚上吃剩下的西瓜皮、魚...
評分1,窄門 主耶酥曾經曰過,“你們要走窄門。因為引到滅亡,那門是寬的,路是大的,去的人也多。引到永生,那門是窄的,路是小的,找著的人也少。” 我不信教,但是,我喜歡從包括宗教在內的一切人類文明成果中吸收營養,隻要她足夠有價值。 巴菲特的老師格雷厄...
評分敬,格雷厄姆! 關於這個版本,兩個問題。 1, 一大堆廢話完全可以忽略。光全書導言就1/3本書,每章節還要導。一本書非要弄成兩本,除瞭增加分量和價格彆無用處。 讀格雷厄姆那部分就可以,所以我把格雷厄姆的部分撕下來,重新裝訂,其他的部分和昨天晚上吃剩下的西瓜皮、魚...
圖書標籤: 金融 投資 格雷厄姆 證券 Investment 英文原版 經典 Graham
Masterpiece on value investment.
評分大磚頭!!!完整的哲學體係。1)fixed-value investment is a process of exclusion and rejection, equity of search and acceptance; 2)investment vs speculation: 投資更關注的是income部分,而投機則是principal部分。3)許多例子已經有曆史感瞭,對企業、市場的認知永遠經典。4)其實equity investment也最好做排除法,嚴格保護住本金,寜願錯過,也不犯錯。
評分大磚頭!!!完整的哲學體係。1)fixed-value investment is a process of exclusion and rejection, equity of search and acceptance; 2)investment vs speculation: 投資更關注的是income部分,而投機則是principal部分。3)許多例子已經有曆史感瞭,對企業、市場的認知永遠經典。4)其實equity investment也最好做排除法,嚴格保護住本金,寜願錯過,也不犯錯。
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