Vinnie Teresa's mafia 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
lior :1 mal~ wh(, Ii;c~ t~uen a lhie.f~ albeit a ric]~ thie[~ ]-o~,st of<br >his aChdt li!~!, it is a ~tiffic ~dt ta, & t~ put hchh~d a litc <,[<br >ri~ hc:<, ;tJanl()r. cxcitemc~lt, allc] the thrill c>[ d~m~c .r to<br >:.,~d<~pl i:ll<: <~ftcl~ (]rol} ]ifcstyle of ~]w. hcme. ~t l~l.~imes~malJ.<br >Thal is ,.vh~t i~c~t Charle. ~ Teresa ha:~ ma;~agecI it) (l~<br >it, ~h~ ,n.r< t}]~ l}]rcc yca.rs ,~i,~c:c he i~ecame tb..,: i:(,,Ic~al<br > x.,I 13 [t,~5.<br >h,.s ~()I: I)~, ~.~ ac-comi)li~hcrt wit]xout diific~lty am~, lcmI)~a-<br >ti()lt.<br >[]tic e. ; ~ ~ l~x" T,~rc..sa t~ltJ mc] recently. "Nov, since, I bee]~<br >y, l lxs t:r<m~ the ]~acl g~lys. To he. ho~esC 1 ~hi~:~k ,.;on,el:lines<br >lhcr~ arc ,~or;:. g:dev,:s r "-~,r whii.c bah; than brock<br >]rat ;."<br >t~(I~.~I ;~ t ,.x~mty-ci~lil-ytar crhni na] car(m ~hat saw him<br > v:t~, ~rrc,qe, .{ :~,~cl iailecI, ]ac has I)ccn chemed l~y<br > maldp,!l~th: .~I tw aml~ilh)~.~ l)rosoc~,tor.~ and :;wi~cllecl })y<br > l>~trIt,~rs ii~ legitimate u,~l~rl)rises. In the olcl d:ty.s-.-Ib.c<br > &~ s ~)I! hi~. p<w, er n~ a]) ir)ter]~atio ,)a] mC~ n,<mrwmakcr<br > -:I crc sa v, o~tld h.~.~>c &~alt swiftly ai~d viole~t:ly wit}~ tho~c<br >
Vinnie Teresa's mafia 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书