Basic Concepts of<br >Psychiatric-Mental<br >Health Nursing<br >I)IRI!( TIONS: l:lch quu sihm bd(~w conlMu>; tivC ~ti~b,.ostod m>;,a et,,. ( 1/oo:<br >olle b,e,.,t ic:-;pol>;o l~)L ~lch qtIO: , Li()I~.<br >1. (hIe !rui{ <~I Ihc I Illi!~ hlonInclll. ~l 3. l-he tirsl: Amcuical~ inslilulio]<br >pv lio<l ~1 hllcllcc{ual icax~.~ll~cHh]~ ;it dew,ted 0111ircl to cari]l~ Ior i]lCl<br >ih,. cl/d (~1 lhc ci~hl0Clllh c011ltll , was ill pali0nls w~s Ihe<br >:I I/lOlC ht|lll41/o d] q ~l~)~lch 1o victims of<br > (A) York Rctreul<br >l/~cI1t:tl illness Ihci~ clrMn>;wc~c It- (B) Mcl.c:]n llospital<br >ul,~,,cd :lllvl hospi/als oIE ling hulnalli-<br > (( ) l)hiladelphia llospilal<br >hiti:!ll tlCZIIII~CIII WCIO i~nimlcd. (1)) Pemlsylvania I lospital<br >rhcwclmuMc,,wc}ci,itiulcdbv (l{) l-lasl.0rn Stalo I lospilal<br >() Vitli~lli~ luke zlil~_l Philippe I iucl<br >ii+) :dt+lI Meor :ltl,.l ( lil t~>ld Becl:-, 4. The t/inctectlth-cei+tutv New<br >~li I i]ld:t I~,ichards mid Si~mund l{nglaml lcf~rmcr wl> succeeded<br > t.leu,.I exposing the conditions oFiuils :_m<br >(1)) (;,. ~lt2c III :rod Willi ,m] ful<.c l]lcnt:.ll iiistilt.Hiom, was<br >(I) Ad<)lr Mover :tlld [~illcl:l Richards (A) Katharit~c McLezm Steele<br >2. fhc tilst Amcric:m hospilal, which (I}) l!dward ( (~wlos<br >v:> csl~lblishcd by l~enialnin Frank.- (.( ) I)ol~lhcu I,mle I)ix<br >li,/ in 1 75 I :rod F,r*~vidcd c:.lle Ik)t men- (1)) Addl Meyer<br >tull ill l,Cl..;oi~s, v,. :ts ,.vhich ()1 the (1{) l:laltci:-, Willis<br >(,) ] a>,lclll Aslt]m<br >~1}) l enns lx:H/kl lh~spit:d<br >(() I)hilzidclphk~ l lospilal<br >(I)) L)uccll s lh~sl~ilal<br >1I) I~clhlchcm llospital<br >
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