PREFACE<br >Althotl~h v( live i~ ~tl~ { r~t of ralfid tral~q~ortatio~ alld c ompctvllt mcdi( a]<br >( ~tr~ . tiler(" ar( ()ft( n ti~n( s xvh( ,~ pr()f( sxi(mal assistalic( , is d( lav( d or<br >( ~ql ul/awtilal)lc. Pr()p~ r ilnmcdi~t(, action ])v all inf()rm( d lavmall may<br >make the ditt( r(q,c(, l)ctw( cl, wtwtll( r a lit:(, is ]()st or saved. ()r wll(,tl~( r<br >~,~ i~jurv ()r illllcss is a~ravatcd to th( p()il/t of partial or total, t( mporary<br >()r p( rman( nt, disal)ilitv. Mor(,()v(.r..,ccdl( ss p~dn a~d sul[crin~ nlav w( ll<br >1)( av()idc(l, tllus mi~Jilnizi11~ th( physical and cn~otiolJal c()~.s((tu(n~( s of:<br >tra~na and sickn( ss. Accid(q~ts at(, responsible for over 115,000 (l( atl~s<br > ,~ ,~I1~. a~d ~illi().~s n,or( arc t)ein~ i~,j,~r( d t() Nora(" dc~rce, th( maj~~r-<br >itv fr()~n ;wti()~s witt~i~ the t~~)m( or from the motor vehicle.<br > Altl~()t~l~ it is imp()s,sit)l(, t() ( stimatc tt~( ~ml)cr of p( rs(ms wh() might<br >1~ .~ ( 1)( ( ~ sav( (t with prompt att( ntion, t}~( ]~( ( (1 t() train more i~-<br >(livid~als in t]l( pr(q)( r pro(.( d~res at t]~( seen(, of ~.~ injury ()r il]~( ss is<br >( x id( ~t. T() s~l)stm~ti~tt( tl~is, th( l)( partmcnt ~)f Transportati~)~Fs Ili~l~-<br >way Safety l)rogr~u~ StaI~dard on l)riv( r Education encourages all st~--<br >~I(q~ts t() (mr~)ll i~ a c()~rs( i~ [irst aid. l{( c,( ~t l( gislatio~ r( (tuir( s t]~( <br >pr( s( ~ce ()f trained first aid( rs i~ all asp( ( ts of industry.<br > TI~c g{ ncral aim of First Aid Pri~ciplc,s a.d Procedures is to provide<br >a t( x! f()r c~)ll( ~<( stud( ~ts wl~ich f()c~s( s ()n thos( ~trcas of em( r~( ncy<br >( ;.c i~ w],i(,l~ tl~( y arc most directly inv<)lv( d. The autl~()rs d() not clai~<br >t{) l)rCs(q~t a~ thi~g ~cw or dilltrent in t~rst aid, l)~t rather t() foetus o~<br >tl~( c ollc~e student s ~ccds ~.~d level ()f al)ility. ()thor first aid texts arc<br >~tx ailal)lc. l)~,t tl~cv ~trc d( sig~( d for ~sc l)v specialists s~ch as medical<br >
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First Aid Principles and Procedures 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載