In the eight years since the hardcover edition of this bookwas published, there have been several developments thatjust might help make the rest of your life a lot more pleas-ant. It wouldn't surprise me if your goal of being really slimis beginning to look like an impossible dream; and perhapsyou are ready to give up trying. If so, you're not alone; thesame thing has been happening to the majority of the pop-ulation, and all in the last few years. There have always been a considerable number of over-weight Americans; one in four were significantly so. Forgenerations, that 25% represented a constant, predictablemeasure of our obesity problem. But ten years ago, an ep-idemic started and spread across America like a brushfire.Every year, some two million new cases developed. Whenlast quantified, the decade's damage was officially mea-sured to be an increase of 32% in the number of Americans
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