Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern of Growth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 占星学
Publication Datales--Miscellanea. 3. Blo-ea. I. Title. 77-84o29tional and Pan-American CopyrightJ States of America. No part of thisa any manner whatsoever (includingmission from the publisher, except in,ed in critical articles and reviews.OOK NUMBER.OG CARD NUMBER: 77-84029sly in the United States:RCS Publications!e United States &-'RCS Publicationsitled) by Mark Douglas Arroyo MullinsAcknowledgementsI would like to give special thanks to Batya Stark for her invaluablehelp and persistent encouragement in the preparation of this book.Her translation of my condensed style into a more readable formas well as her understanding of what the reader, especially if anastrologer, would want to know from such a book, have addedgreatly to whatever merits it may have.A final word of appreciation goesjob of the final copy-editing of theto James Feil who took on thetext.
Cycles of Becoming: The Planetary Pattern of Growth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书