We Can All Get Along: 50 Steps You Can Take to Help End Racism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
ForewordMartin Luther King IIIDespite the progressUnited States toward achieving racialthat has been made in thejustice since the civil rightsmovement, racism remains the single most destructive force inAmerican life. Social problems such as poverty, unemployment,urban decay, deteriorating educational opportunities, crime, andviolence are all aggravated by the persistence of racism in our soci-ety. It is important that we keep moving forward with the necessarylegal reforms to reduce racial and all forms of discrimination. Butthere is much truth in the saying that we can't legislate an end toracism, because that can begin only in the human heart. The strug-gle against racism must be carried forward not only in the courtsand legislative bodies, but also in our personal relationships, in ourdaily lives. Racism must be challenged at the dinner table, in ourplaces of work and worship, in schools, playgrounds, the media andin every institution of our society. My father, Martin Luther King, Jr., said that "like life, racial un-derstanding is not something we find, but something that we must
We Can All Get Along: 50 Steps You Can Take to Help End Racism 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书