Review One of the great writers of the twentieth century.? -- Independent Book Description At all times wonderfully evocative and poignant, Cider With Rosie is a charming memoir of Laurie Lee's childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a world that is tangibly real and yet reminiscent of a now distant past.In this idyllic pastoral setting, unencumbered by the callous father who so quickly abandoned his family responsibilities, Laurie's adoring mother becomes the centre of his world as she struggles to raise a growing family against the backdrop of the Great War.The sophisticated adult author's retrospective commentary on events is endearingly juxtaposed with that of the innocent, spotty youth, permanently prone to tears and self-absorption.Rosie's identity from the novel Cider with Rosie was kept secret for 25 years. She was Rose Buckland, Lee's cousin by marriage. See all Editorial Reviews
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第一章沒看完,錯字!彆字!漏字!邏輯錯誤!就讓我想死!!! 卓越我找不到包裝袋瞭還能不能退貨啊? 果然還是應該收02年那版的! 怪我相信什麼廢柴的鳳凰傳媒齣版集團,自抽!
評分 評分Mark一則報道好瞭,關於《蘿西與蘋果酒》這本書~ 一位BBC文化欄目的讀者就思鄉病尋求幫助,常駐文本治療師海瑟堡·安德森(Hephzibah Anderson)給她開瞭一劑文學處方,建議她用洛瑞·李( Laurie Lee)、裘帕·拉希莉( Jhumpha Lahiri)等作傢的書來治愈自己。 親愛的文本治...
評分噱頭說是媲美瀋從文《邊城》的傑作,這顯然不恰當。《邊城》是有故事主綫的,乾淨清麗動人;而《羅西與蘋果酒》則像一個老人絮絮叨叨地跟你講述他那些童年的往事和風俗,沒有脈絡沒有重點,但聽完卻能支離破碎地拼湊齣那一段已逝的英國鄉村"the good old days"。 擁有的一...
圖書標籤: 英文 自傳 小說 中長篇
Laurie Lee makes me think of Truman Capote. Childhood in the country. Filmy details. Emotional and absorbing. It's just that it's a little bit excessively rhetoric.
評分Laurie Lee makes me think of Truman Capote. Childhood in the country. Filmy details. Emotional and absorbing. It's just that it's a little bit excessively rhetoric.
評分Laurie Lee makes me think of Truman Capote. Childhood in the country. Filmy details. Emotional and absorbing. It's just that it's a little bit excessively rhetoric.
評分Laurie Lee makes me think of Truman Capote. Childhood in the country. Filmy details. Emotional and absorbing. It's just that it's a little bit excessively rhetoric.
評分Laurie Lee makes me think of Truman Capote. Childhood in the country. Filmy details. Emotional and absorbing. It's just that it's a little bit excessively rhetoric.
Cider with Rosie 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載