Lion March 1989<br >373-61340-7<br >hanks and acknowledgment to<br >~ib for his contribution to this work<br >at ~ 1989 by Worldwide Library.<br >le copyright 1989. Australian copyright 1989<br > reserved. Except for use in any review, the<br >:tion or utilization of this work in whole or in part<br >rm by any electronic, mechanical or other means,<br >wn or hereafter invented, including xerography,<br >~ying and recording, or in any information storage<br >al system, is forbidden without the permission<br >blisher, Worldwide Library, 225 Duncan Mill Road<br >s, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9.<br >laracters in this book have no existence outside the<br >ion of the author and have no relation whatsoever to<br >earing the same name or names. They are not even<br >inspired by any individual known or unknown to the<br >nd all incidents are pure invention.<br >tdemarks registered in the United States Patent and<br >rk Office and in other countries.<br >l U.S.A<br > From the air at night, Cairo s City of the Dead ap-<br > pears to some travelers as an ominous black void in a<br > sprawling array of sparkling lights.<br > To others, it seems a gigantic oil spill that smothers<br > everything beneath its surface. It could also be mis-<br > taken for a bottomless pit or a stretch of treacherous<br > quicksand.<br > On Air Force One the Vice President of the United<br > States, Stephen Shaw, could not keep from staring at<br >~the massive blot.<br > He thought of the bodies there.<br > Although he was perfectly safe, and American and<br > Egyptian jet fighters flew ahead, behind and on either<br > side of his aircraft, he felt apprehensive.<br > Now, with the flying command ship dropping to-<br > ward the Egyptian military airfield, Shaw could see the<br > outlines of buildings and the network of the city s<br > dark, narrow, foreboding streets.<br > It was truly a city within a city, a vast neighbor-<br > hood for the dead.<br > In an area capable of housing thousands of Egyp-<br >tians without crowding, not a single light shone. It was<br >a city of ghosts and gargoyles. And he was being<br ><br >
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