Step King was born in Portland,Main e,in 1947.He won a scholarship award to the University of Maine and later taught English,while his wife,tabitha,got her degree.
It was the publication of his first novel Carrie and its subsequent film adaptaion that set him on tis way to his present position sa perhaps the bestselling author in the world.
He lives with his wife and their three children in Bangor, Maine, his home state and the place where he feels he really belongs.
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图书标签: 斯蒂芬.金 小说 美国 StephenKing 英文原版 外国文学 novel 英文
Different Seasons,中文译名《四季奇谭》,是美国作家斯蒂芬·金于1982年出版的短篇小说集。《四季奇谭》包含四部短篇小说:《芮塔·海华丝与肖申克的救赎——春天的希望》、《纳粹高徒——夏日沉沦》、《总要找到你——不再纯真的秋天》、《呼·吸·呼·吸——暮冬重 生》。
前三部短篇都被改编成电影,其中以《肖申克的救赎》最为知名,深受广大影迷厚爱,并在1994年第67届奥斯卡电影金像奖上提名包括最佳电影在内的七项大奖,最终惜败给《阿甘正传》。《总要找到你》于1986年翻拍成电影,电影主题曲Stand By Me传唱至今,甚至红过电影本身。
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