This is the house 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
MOLLY DZEMS had ambitions--
ambitions to rise in class and condition
until she, too, could become the mistress
of a fine house and the matriarch of a
great fanfily. Now in a grand tradition,
and set against the turbulent background
of New England in the aftermath of the
American Revolution, comes this sweep-
ing family saga with a heroine whose
tenacity and tactical flair suggests the
archetype, Scarlett O Hara.
Daughter of a woman widowed in the
Revolution and virtually sold to a vio-
lent and lustful Cape Cod fisherman,
Molly l)eems has littlc to recommend
her for greatness. I,ittle, that is, except
her sea-green eyes, hlxuriant raven hair,
This is the house 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书