瑪琳娜·柳薇卡(Marina Lewycka) 英國文壇近年來最炙手可熱的暢銷書作傢。“二戰”結束時齣生於德國基爾難民營,父母均為烏剋蘭人。她在英國長大,居住在謝菲爾德,任教於哈勒姆大學。
A beautiful summer's evening in a Kent field and around their two caravans a group of strawberry pickers celebrates a birthday. But what lies behind the buy-one-get-one-free offers at your supermarket and who picks our strawberries? The Ukrainians: Irina, just off the coach from Kiev, and Andriy, the miner's son from the other Ukraine; the Poles: Tomasz and Yola; two Chinese girls; Emanuel, the round-eyed eighteen-year-old from Malawi. And although he can't pick strawberries, there's also the Dog . . . Hilarious, gritty, moving and slapstick, Two Caravans has all the ingredients that made A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian so successful.
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本書講述的是一群大篷車上的國際民工的故事。 英國南部優美的鄉間峽榖,山楂樹與榛樹交織成貴族的紋章,野玫瑰與金銀花點綴其間,散發著濃濃的香氣。若說此處便是伊甸園,隻是少一棵禁忌的蘋果樹,多瞭兩輛大篷車。 可是,處在伊甸園裏的亞當和夏娃們,絲毫也...
評分也許此刻你正在醞釀睡意,看完最後兩條朋友圈,然後放好手機,閉眼睡覺。 突然,沒來由的想到今天好像在領導麵前說錯話瞭,解決方案還沒有,PPT還沒寫好,明天就要開會瞭,為什麼他今天沒迴我微信…… 要不再打開微信刷下朋友圈好瞭。 不行不行,更睡不著瞭。 再起身放迴手機...
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