Breakfast at Tiffany's 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
小说的现实感和真实存在究竟该如何平衡,于什么样的立场来看待一部小说才是合适的?这个问题太专业,我只是就自己的阅读经验稍微谈下这个问题。 我想到的是《九故事》。本书收录了卡波特《夏日十字路口》和那早已名声在外的《早餐》。很庆幸地(对于他的追捧者或许“不幸”)我...
评分Holly的任性放纵里头有种已经洞悉世事的不在乎,有种历经沧桑之后的坚持,她一直渴望的就是找回被她抛弃的兄弟Fred,重新共同生活。 "I saw a place in Mexico. With horses. By the sea." 这是Holly版的“面朝大海,春暖花开”。 我没想到书里居然还藏着对《呼啸山庄》的...
评分 评分不要去喜欢上一样野生物。 让我想起那个穿上红鞋不停跳舞的女孩子,最后只能把腿砍掉才能停下旋转的舞步。 赫莉永远不会是我喜欢的女孩子。 她或许清楚明白自己的一切,但是她不愿承认。闭上眼睛让自己坠落,或是用仅有的让自己绽放。这样的代价她乐于去付出。 有野性的总...
评分一件作品老让人产生联想,这可能是一件好事。 象郝莉那只还来不及取名就被丢弃的猫,就让我想起老家的那只猫。它怎么来的记不确切了,我也不怎么待见它,但是搬家前老妈把它归还所来之地——垃圾桶,我突然就受不住去找它,它已经没—有—踪影。我不记得它的丑和它闯的祸,...
图书标签: 蒂梵尼的早餐 外国文学 卡波特 英文原版 TrumanCapote 美国 小说 美国文学
In this seductive, wistful masterpiece, Truman Capote created a woman whose name has entered the American idiom and whose style is a part of the literary landscape. Holly Golightly knows that nothing bad can ever happen to you at Tiffany's; her poignancy, wit, and naivete continue to charm.
This volume also includes three of Capote's best-known stories, “House of Flowers,” “A Diamond Guitar,” and “A Christmas Memory,” which the Saturday Review called “One of the most moving stories in our language.” It is a tale of two innocents—a small boy and the old woman who is his best friend—whose sweetness contains a hard, sharp kernel of truth.
Breakfast at Tiffany's:梦的幻灭,太美了。想起菲茨杰拉德那些同样梦碎的小说。"I wondered what his name was, for I was certain he had one now, certain he'd arrived somewhere he belonged. African hut or whatever, I hope Holly has, too." House of Flowers: Lack of the elegance Breakfast at Tiffany's possesses. Diamond Guitar: Beautifully written. Thought of Desperado of Eagles
评分Holly is such a sweet darling, sophisticated and naive at the same time. Feel so sorry for Doc... 'Not knowing what's yours until you've thrown it away... My mouth's so dry, if my life depended on it I couldn't spit. '
评分刚看过jack London 的重口味,卡波特显得太小清新了,再美的人都需要一个有个气质、灵魂、别致的头脑来支撑,真希望holly找到像蒂凡尼一样的地方啊。
评分刚看过jack London 的重口味,卡波特显得太小清新了,再美的人都需要一个有个气质、灵魂、别致的头脑来支撑,真希望holly找到像蒂凡尼一样的地方啊。
Breakfast at Tiffany's 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书