Dedicated viewers of Alton Brown's acclaimed Food Network show "Good Eats" know of his penchant for using unusual equipment. He has smoked a salmon in a cardboard box, roasted prime rib in a flowerpot, and used a C-clamp as a nutcracker. Brown isn't interested in novelty, he's just devoted to using the best--and simplest--tool for the job.
"Alton Brown's Gear For Your Kitchen" offers honest, practical advice on what's needed and what isn't, what works and what doesn't. For instance: You only need three knives, but they are a lifetime investment. And don't bother with that famous countertop grill--it doesn't get hot enough to properly sear. In his signature science-guy style, Brown begins with advice on kitchen layout and organization, then gets to the lowdown on these cooking elements: Big Things with Plugs; Pots and Pans; Sharp Things; The Tool Box; Small Things with Plugs; Storage and Containment; and Safety and Sanitation.
"Gear For Your Kitchen" is essential for all of Brown's fans as well as anyone who wants a good guide to great kitchen gear. With more than 125,000 hardcover copies in print, this indispensable--and highly entertaining--book is now offered in a paperback edition that every home cook can afford.
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圖書標籤: 飲食 隨筆 美食 科普 文化
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