托马斯·英格利希(T. J. English)出生于美国一个爱尔兰裔天主教家庭,在成为自由撰稿人之前,曾做过出租车司机、酒保等工作。擅长黑帮题材,1990年出版第一本专著《西帮分子》。2007年《纸醉金迷哈瓦那》出版后,引发了销售热潮,一举登上《纽约时报》畅销榜第七名,并在《华尔街日报》《今日美国》等报纸纷纷上榜,获得2009年“爱伦·坡奖”最佳罪案实录奖的提名。作为一名记者,英格利希也为《时尚先生》《花花公子》《纽约时报》等媒体撰稿,2010年荣获纽约新闻俱乐部奖;曾在美剧《纽约重案组》和《情理法的春天》中担任编剧,并因此获得著名的人道主义奖。目前常住纽约。
Havana Nocturne 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分(台版名为《纸醉金迷哈瓦那》。此书除了是一本精彩的故事书外,也是一本严肃的历史书,甚至也是一本城市研究著作。) 一九九一年圣诞节,苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)宣布辞职,苏联解体。古巴进入特殊时期,一年之内,进口量与出口量急遽下降八成,苏联的年石油...
评分借张大春小说书名一用,可惜《城邦暴力团》不是历史著作,中国近代上的“革命与黑帮”故事什么时候才能被书写出来呢? 你可以把这本书看成是“犹太教父”的古巴故事,但是显然它涉及更宏大的暴力叙事,也是严肃的历史研究著作。作者对赌博、音乐、情色文化的研究,对相关人士...
评分(台版名为《纸醉金迷哈瓦那》。此书除了是一本精彩的故事书外,也是一本严肃的历史书,甚至也是一本城市研究著作。) 一九九一年圣诞节,苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)宣布辞职,苏联解体。古巴进入特殊时期,一年之内,进口量与出口量急遽下降八成,苏联的年石油...
In modern-day Havana, the remnants of the glamorous past are everywhere—the old hotel-casinos, vintage American cars, and flickering neon signs speak of a bygone era that is widely familiar and often romanticized, but little understood. In Havana Nocturne , T. J. English offers a riveting, multifaceted true tale of organized crime, political corruption, roaring nightlife, revolution, and international conflict that interweaves the dual stories of the Mob in Havana and the event that would overshadow it, the Cuban Revolution. As the Cuban people labored under a violently repressive regime throughout the 1950s, Mob leaders Meyer Lansky and Charles "Lucky" Luciano turned their eye to Havana. To them, Cuba was the ultimate dream, the greatest hope for the future of the American Mob in the post-Prohibition years of intensified government crackdowns. But when it came time to make their move, it was Lansky, the brilliant Jewish mobster, who reigned supreme. Having cultivated strong ties with the Cuban government and in particular the brutal dictator Fulgencio Batista, Lansky brought key mobsters to Havana to put his ambitious business plans in motion. Before long, the Mob, with Batista's corrupt government in its pocket, owned the biggest luxury hotels and casinos in Havana, launching an unprecedented tourism boom complete with the most lavish entertainment, the world's biggest celebrities, the most beautiful women, and gambling galore. But their dreams collided with those of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and others who would lead the country's disenfranchised to overthrow their corrupt government and its foreign partners—an epic cultural battle that English captures in all its sexy, decadent, ugly glory. Bringing together long-buried historical information with English's own research in Havana—including interviews with the era's key survivors— Havana Nocturne takes readers back to Cuba in the years when it was a veritable devil's playground for mob leaders. English deftly weaves together the parallel stories of the Havana Mob—featuring notorious criminals such as Santo Trafficante Jr. and Albert Anastasia—and Castro's 26th of July Movement in a riveting, up-close look at how the Mob nearly attained its biggest dream in Havana—and how Fidel Castro trumped it all with the Cuban Revolution.
Havana Nocturne 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书