Venkat Subramaniam,Agile Developer創辦人,培訓並指導瞭美國、加拿大、印度和歐洲多國的上韆名軟件開發人員,並多次應邀在各種大會上發錶演講。他是《高效程序員的45個習慣:敏捷開發修煉之道》(2007年Jolt大奬作品)的第一作者,還著有.NET Gotchas(O’Reilly)、Programming Groovy(Pragmatic)等書。
The increasing popularity and availability of multi core processors is creating a whole new set of challenges - although you can enjoy true concurrency, you're now faced with higher contention and synchronization issues. Deploying an existing application on a multi core processor may bring out previously hidden concurrency issues. Java's multi-threading facility by itself isn't enough - it's a very low level abstraction. Instead, you need a paradigm that provides a higher level of abstraction to deal with concurrency. It's time to embrace Functional Programming.Scala is a hybrid Object-Oriented/Functional Programming language on the JVM. Using Scala, you can create traditional imperative programs, intermix them with Java code, and at the same time take advantage of higher levels of abstraction. You can use features that lead to concise, highly expressive code that remove the pain of dealing with concurrency. "Programming Scala" will show you the fundamentals of functional programming using Scala. Very quickly, you'll learn how this statically typed language can give you dynamic capabilities to create concise, scalable, highly capable concurrent code. Pragmatic programmers always use the right tool for the job. For concurrent programming on the Java VM, Scala is the tool, and "Programming Scala" by award-winning author Venkat Subramaniam is your guide.
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譯者的辛苦努力首先要得到承認。但不得不說這本書的內容有點雞肋。很多東西都沒寫清楚,行文不太流暢,有個彆錯誤。作為一名Java程序員如果打算瞭解Scala,IBM developer有幾篇不錯的文章。如果打算全麵瞭解Scala,這本薄薄的書的內容實在太少。 總之,買這本書,有點虧得慌!
評分Scala中文方麵的資料很少,這本雖然老一點不過相當不錯,至少比官方文檔好理解得多,把很多坑跟Java的異同點都說得很清楚(這一點相當重要)。由於Scala是基於JVM的,本書也提到很多Java的東西所以最好還是有點Java基礎,不過話說迴來說不定不被Java影響可能學得更好? 以下是...
評分本書主要講瞭學習、使用 Scala 必備的知識點(編程要點、技巧), 略去瞭太過“偏”的細節,更加容易理解!
評分本書主要講瞭學習、使用 Scala 必備的知識點(編程要點、技巧), 略去瞭太過“偏”的細節,更加容易理解!
圖書標籤: Scala 函數式編程 編程 Programming programming 英文版 FP 語言
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