Aristotle's Politics is a key document in Western political thought. In these first two books Aristotle shows his complete mastery of political theory and practice, and raises many crucial issues still with us today. In Book I he argues vigorously for a political theory based on 'nature'. By nature, man is a 'political animal', one naturally fitted for life in a polis or state. Some people, however, are natural slaves; and women are by nature subordinate to men. Acquisition and exchange are natural, but not trading for profit. In Book II he launches a sharp attack on Plato's two 'utopias', the Republic and the Laws, and also criticizes three historical states reputed to be well governed: Sparta, Crete, and Carthage. This volume contains a close translation of these two books, together with a philosophical commentary. It is well suited to the requirements of readers who do not know Greek.
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評分 評分東方人寫書,一開篇就是“道可道,非常道”這種玄而又玄的東西。 西方人比較實在,寫的書也是實實在在,同樣是古代的大知識分子,亞裏斯多德比起老子來就要老實得多。 開篇就是:所有政治群體,都是人類為瞭完成某種善業而形成的組織。 這讓我想起來迄今為止最成功的一次活...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 Political_Philosophy PLSC114 2014_SpringSemester
Aristotle總想把話說得留有餘地,一不小心就成瞭永遠take soft stance囉嗦老傢夥。
評分我讀的是penguin classics,但沒有找到相應文本。
評分我讀的是penguin classics,但沒有找到相應文本。
評分Aristotle總想把話說得留有餘地,一不小心就成瞭永遠take soft stance囉嗦老傢夥。
評分我讀的是penguin classics,但沒有找到相應文本。
The Politics of Aristotle 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載