傑剋·特納(Jack Turner)1968年生於澳大利亞墨爾本,在墨爾本大學荻古典文學藝術專業學士學位。後獲羅茲奬學金在牛津大學學習,並以麥剋阿瑟基金會初級研究員身份在那裏從事研究,獲牛津大學國際關係學博士學位。現與妻子海倫娜及兒子旅居瑞士。《香料傳奇》是他的第一本著作。
A history of the trade that controlled the world and left an indelible impression on our taste buds; a sweeping story of avarice, ingenuity and exploration, spanning the globe and the centuries in its epic reconstruction of this magnificent obsession. Spices: for centuries the staple of cuisine, remedies and ritual, they have commanded the highest of prices. To this day, saffron is, per ounce, one of the most expensive commodities known to man. For their sake, fortunes have been made and lost, empires built and destroyed, and new worlds discovered. Astoundingly, in the 17th-century more people died for the sake of cloves than in all the European dynastic wars of the period. However the spice trade dates bank thousands of years before this. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs depict a merchant fleet sailing south to the Horn of Africa and returning triumphantly with a priceless cargo of cinnamon. Only the story of mankind's infatuation with precious metals can rival the story of spice in scope; and only the history of silver and gold rivals that of spice for its improbable and extraordinary combination of discovery and conquest, heroism and savagery, greed and violence.
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528年前的某一天,哥倫布從船舷上隱約看到前方的陸地,他以為終於到達瞭他夢想的東方。 一眾船員迫不及待的跳下船去尋找香料,他們並不知道自己來到瞭一個全然不同的世界,還在想著哪棵樹是鬍椒,哪棵樹是桂皮? 現在我們知道哥倫布到達的是美洲,距離他原來的目的地,南轅北轍...
評分在古老的佛經《梵網經菩薩戒本》的卌八輕戒中,第四條《不食五辛戒》曰:“佛子,菩薩不食五種辛物:大蒜、小蒜、青蔥、韭菜、興蕖。五種辛物,一切食中,不宜摻入。若故意食,犯輕垢罪。” 一韆多年前,佛教已有香料亂性的說法,認為食用香料亂人心性,影響修行。一韆多年後,...
評分本周閱讀的書目是《香料創奇:一部由誘惑衍生的曆史》,一部將桂皮、鬍椒、豆蔻、肉蔻等植物性物質置於曆史舞颱,解構其背後的跨文化與國際交流曆史的著作。在當今普遍視角中,香料無非是不同於油鹽醬醋等比較特殊的料理調味品,但是傑剋·特納(Jack Turner)在《香料傳奇》一...
圖書標籤: 飲食文化 Wine/drink/food/etc History
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