Genome 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我整理了一下《基因组:人种自传23章》的一些精华点 首发地址:http://xueqiu.com/3167081651/25857487 这是我的一些感想或总结: 每个人的每个细胞里都有2份文件,大约有30亿个字母,它是数码格式的,也是逻辑方式的。 人体大约有1000万亿个细胞,大脑大约有1000亿个细胞,...
评分我是根据查理·芒格的推荐书单选了这本书,应该是两年前就放在书架上的,最近才抽出时间读完它。 这本书应该算是基因类入门的书籍,作者用通俗的描述为我们讲述了基因组到底是什么,它们如何伴随人类生存并作用于人类,它有多庞大多复杂,那些稀奇的病例是如何产生的……。而...
评分 评分这是一本每个文科生都应该认真阅读的科普读物。 注:“”为原文摘录。 作者以人类的23对独立染色体里的典型基因展开故事。 导言部分 P10“基因复制的能力之所以有可能存在,是因为存在一种‘配方’,里面有制造一个新的身体所需要的信息。...
评分1 先生,您告诉我的这些,只不过是科学的加尔文主义。 2 男性基因突变率是女性的五倍,因为精子细胞在一生中不断复制。(男性机会更多) 3 男性选择不去检查的是女人的三倍。男人为自己想的多,女人为孩子想的多。(亨廷顿自1986以来,检查数量) 3 XY染色体性别对抗 同性恋 ...
图书标签: 英文原版 科普 芒格 原版英文 MattRidley
Hard to admit, however one would never want to underestimate the negative impact of a poor first impression, which was related to this same author’s Rational Optimist which I read earlier ... Had to put it aside … Picked it up again and flipped through eventually, rather reluctantly.
评分Hard to admit, however one would never want to underestimate the negative impact of a poor first impression, which was related to this same author’s Rational Optimist which I read earlier ... Had to put it aside … Picked it up again and flipped through eventually, rather reluctantly.
评分Hard to admit, however one would never want to underestimate the negative impact of a poor first impression, which was related to this same author’s Rational Optimist which I read earlier ... Had to put it aside … Picked it up again and flipped through eventually, rather reluctantly.
评分Hard to admit, however one would never want to underestimate the negative impact of a poor first impression, which was related to this same author’s Rational Optimist which I read earlier ... Had to put it aside … Picked it up again and flipped through eventually, rather reluctantly.
评分Hard to admit, however one would never want to underestimate the negative impact of a poor first impression, which was related to this same author’s Rational Optimist which I read earlier ... Had to put it aside … Picked it up again and flipped through eventually, rather reluctantly.
Genome 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书