(Peter Watson,1943— )
Terrible Beauty presents a unique narrative of the twentieth century. Unlike more conventional histories, where the focus is on political events and personalities, on wars, treaties and elections, this book concentrates on the ideas that made the century so rich, rewarding and provocative. Beginning with four seminal ideas which were introduced in 1900 - the unconscious, the gene, the quantum and Picasso's first paintings in Paris - the book brings together the main areas of thought and juxtaposes the most original and influential ideas of our time in an immensely readable narrative. From the creation of plastic to Norman Mailer, from the discovery of the 'Big Bang' to the Counterculture, from Relativity to Susan Sontag, from Proust to Salman Rushdie, and Henri Bergson to Saul Bellow, the book's range is encyclopedic. We meet in these pages the other twentieth century, the writers, the artists, the scientists and philosophers who were not cowed by the political and military disasters raging around them, and produced some of the most amazing and rewarding ideas by which we live. Terrible Beauty, endlessly stimulating and provocative, affirms that there was much more to the twentieth century than war and genocide.
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廣告文案要發展,就是要寫得和彼得沃森寫的《20世紀思想史》一樣高級,並且比他短。 兒女情長小資小品詩情畫意牛逼哄哄不是不可以,主要是一旦某些東西大傢都能寫,寫得鋪天蓋地,就變成瞭垃圾。 廣告文案值得花如此心思?應該的,一個是我們做為人應有的追求,一個是將此作...
評分這本書的開頭,提及艾撒亞·伯林(Isaiah Berlin)的一段話。BBC在伯林臨死前不久采訪他,問他這漫長的一生中,最大的驚奇是什麼。伯林說,最大的驚奇是“我這麼平靜,這麼幸福地親曆瞭這麼多的恐怖。世界經曆瞭有史以來最糟糕的一個世紀:粗暴的非人性,人類...
評分 評分“對很多人而言,20世紀最美的畫麵不是來自畢加索、波洛剋、包豪斯的建築設計師,或是好萊塢的攝影師,最美的畫麵是一張照片,齣自一篇簡短的新聞報道,卻充滿獨創性。那就是從太空拍攝的地球照片。”要對彼得·沃森這部洋洋灑灑近百萬字、“拒絕簡化”的《20世紀思想史》進行...
評分這本書的開頭,提及艾撒亞·伯林(Isaiah Berlin)的一段話。BBC在伯林臨死前不久采訪他,問他這漫長的一生中,最大的驚奇是什麼。伯林說,最大的驚奇是“我這麼平靜,這麼幸福地親曆瞭這麼多的恐怖。世界經曆瞭有史以來最糟糕的一個世紀:粗暴的非人性,人類...
圖書標籤: 藝術理論 思想史 PeterWatson
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