Tom Askwith, on the last half of his career in Kenya, from 1945 to about 1960, became Municipal Native Affairs Officer for Nairobi in 1945, and Commissioner for Community Development in 1949. He was also, until 1951, Principal of the Jeanes School. Normal work was then drastically cut as the focus shifted to the rehabilitation of people involved in Mau Mau activities. He opposed the later introduction of compulsory, rather than voluntary, labour in the camps. The Hola incident proved him right. His resignation enabled him to devote more attention to working with groups in rural areas, laying the foundation of the still flourishing Kenyan self-help movement.
From Mau Mau to Harambee 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 非洲史 肯尼亚 帝国与殖民 回忆录 历史 世界史
Tom Askwith先生在历史行程中的个人奋斗, 可以一窥一名坚定的自由派如何在保守主义大潮中激流勇进。唯有敢于打破种族藩篱,鼓励非洲人自力更生才是帝国文明开化使命之鹄的, 其见识可佩,勇气可嘉,只是在一个万马齐喑的环境也只能止步于斯了
评分Tom Askwith先生在历史行程中的个人奋斗, 可以一窥一名坚定的自由派如何在保守主义大潮中激流勇进。唯有敢于打破种族藩篱,鼓励非洲人自力更生才是帝国文明开化使命之鹄的, 其见识可佩,勇气可嘉,只是在一个万马齐喑的环境也只能止步于斯了
评分Tom Askwith先生在历史行程中的个人奋斗, 可以一窥一名坚定的自由派如何在保守主义大潮中激流勇进。唯有敢于打破种族藩篱,鼓励非洲人自力更生才是帝国文明开化使命之鹄的, 其见识可佩,勇气可嘉,只是在一个万马齐喑的环境也只能止步于斯了
评分Tom Askwith先生在历史行程中的个人奋斗, 可以一窥一名坚定的自由派如何在保守主义大潮中激流勇进。唯有敢于打破种族藩篱,鼓励非洲人自力更生才是帝国文明开化使命之鹄的, 其见识可佩,勇气可嘉,只是在一个万马齐喑的环境也只能止步于斯了
评分Tom Askwith先生在历史行程中的个人奋斗, 可以一窥一名坚定的自由派如何在保守主义大潮中激流勇进。唯有敢于打破种族藩篱,鼓励非洲人自力更生才是帝国文明开化使命之鹄的, 其见识可佩,勇气可嘉,只是在一个万马齐喑的环境也只能止步于斯了
From Mau Mau to Harambee 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书