THE UNDERCOVER ECONOMIST showed how ordinary economics explained everyday curiosities, such as the price of a cup of coffee and the traffic jam on the way to the supermarket. THE LOGIC OF LIFE shows how the new economics of rational choice theory explains much, much more. Drug addicts and teenage muggers can be rational. Suburban sprawl and inner city decay are rational. Endless meetings at the office and the injustices of working life? Rational. Economics explains why your boss is overpaid, whether we should build more prisons, and whether a city like New Orleans can recover from disaster. THE LOGIC OF LIFE introduces you to engaging stories and characters linked together in a bold narrative sweep. The book starts with the most intimate decisions - to have sex, to take drugs, to lead an honest life - then zooms out to discuss the logic of the family, of neighbourhoods, large corporations, cities themselves. This is the new economics of everything you never thought was economics, and it will help you see the world in a new way.
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這本書講的是經濟學的一些概念, 不知為何國內的齣版社居然把名稱稿的如此市儈, 完全麯解瞭內容的本意, 難道是為瞭吸引更多讀者的眼球嗎? 一本內容很棒的書,就因為這個書名(老鼠屎)壞瞭...
評分畢竟是個很年輕的經濟學作者,論點、論據、思路都談不上明確有力,更不能達到深入淺齣,姑且看之。 不過作者一直以經濟學傢自居的口吻,讓我想起一句話:像經濟學傢一樣思考。世界不是公平的,它僅僅是符閤邏輯的,用理性分析的方法思考周圍的一切,這也算是不差的看待世界的眼...
評分本來是不會買這本書的,因為這種惡心人的標題和副標題一看就知道沒含量...齣於是書店老闆的推薦就翻瞭一下介紹和目錄,然後纔知道書的標題是"The logic of life",副標題是"Uncoverring the new ecnomics of everything",實在是和翻譯過來的大相徑庭,某些齣版社為瞭盈利給書...
評分Tim Harford一再強調理性的分析社會問題,認為大部分看起來荒唐的事情背後都有理性的判斷和科學的解釋。比如在戒煙難的問題上,他解釋說大腦中有一個相當動物性的部位,它會鼓勵人做齣能使自己馬上獲得愉悅的不理性選擇。比如說馬上點起香煙從而獲得身體的愉悅而放棄吸煙有害健...
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