Kris Kaspersky是一位技术作家。他是《黑客反汇编揭秘》、《代码优化:有效使用内存》和《CD破解揭秘:防止未经许可的CD拷贝的保护技术》等书籍,以及大量涉及破解、反汇编和代码优化文章的作者。他解决了许多与安全和系统编程有关的问题,包括编译器的开发、优化技术、安全机制研究、实时操作系统内核的创建、软件保护以及反病毒程序的创建,等等。
Shellcoder's Programming Uncovered (Uncovered series) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 计算机 编程 Security Hacking
How hackers, viruses, and worms attack computers from the Internet and exploit security holes in software is explained in this outline of antivirus software, patches, and firewalls that try in vain to withstand the storm of attacks. Some software's effectiveness exists only in the imaginations of its developers because they prove unable to prevent the propagation of worms, but this guide examines where security holes come from, how to discover them, how to protect systems (both Windows and Unix), and how to do away with security holes altogether. Unpublished advanced exploits and techniques in both C and Assembly languages are included.
Shellcoder's Programming Uncovered (Uncovered series) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书