Barack, Inc. 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 奥巴马 外国文学
《奥巴马制胜的营销密码》讲述了:伴随着胜利的喧嚣,奥巴马成为了美国第44任总统,而在竞选之初,奥巴马却面临着很多看起来难以逾越的障碍。作为一个竞选者,奧巴马在很多方面都显得与常规格格不入:默默无名;名字听起来像是个穆斯林;父亲来自非洲,而母亲则是美国白人;在夏威夷长大,在哈佛大学获得法律学位;从政的经历概括起来只有大概25个单词,甚至更少。就像奥巴马自己说的那样:“我从来都不是一个希望最大的竞选者。” What can business leaders learn from Barack Obama's improbable victory? A great deal, says this brief, readable book, which spells out the lessons of the Obama campaign and goes on to illustrate them, citing companies that have used similar techniques to succeed. Obama ran a nearly flawless campaign that stayed on message, attracted tens of thousands of dedicated volunteers, and collected a record flood of dollars from donors large and small. But his triumph was also to use social networking to create a vast online community that has changed politics forever. And that's precisely what businesses need to do. In a soundbyte, Obama's threefold approach was (1) to keep his cool, (2) to apply to politics the social technologies of the Internet, including blogs, texting, and viral videos, and (3) to embody in himself the change that he meant to bring to the country. None of these goals are as simple as they sound. Barack, Inc. , not only spells them out clearly but offers actionable lessons that businesspeople can apply, beginning tomorrow. "Change" has become a tired political cliché, but Obama gave it new life by persuading a solid majority of voters that he could lead them to a whole new kind of politics and government, transcending the petty partisanship of recent years. And he himself embodied that change. "We are the ones we've been waiting for," he told his rallies. "We are the change we seek. . . . Let's go change the world." Just so, says this important book, business leaders must embrace change and become the change they offer. Only then will their constituencies -- shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers -- follow them to achieve it. But having done that, their companies will have become communities -- and the authors tell us that community, in addition to products and profits, is what business is about in the Web 2.0 world of the 21st century.
Barack, Inc. 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书