本書作者查理·文(Charlie Wing)撰寫瞭20多本關於房屋修理和改善的書籍,是世界上最值得信任的房屋修理專傢。他對復雜房屋問題的描述和解釋讓這些問題簡單易懂。作為一位麻省理工學院的畢業生,他創立和主持瞭國傢廣播公司節能的一係列節目,在房屋供熱部分,查理是傢庭藏書係列 1-2-3的主要編寫人員。
A must-have reference for every homeowner, handyman, and contractor ??? for repair, remodeling, and new construction. Why is my faucet leaking, my toilet running, or my dishwasher refusing to start? Can I fix it myself? What's causing the heating system to smell bad or the foundation to crack? Do I need an air filtration system? Is the new "engineered lumber" as good as conventional wood? These are just a few examples of questions homeowners face when repairs are needed, or when a new house or addition is being planned. There's no question that it pays to be an informed consumer. Knowledge of your home's systems helps you control repair and construction costs and make sure the correct elements are being installed or replaced. This book uncovers the mysteries behind just about every major appliance and building element in your house. Clear, "exploded" drawings show you exactly how these things should be put together and how they function ??? what to check if they don't work.
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圖書標籤: 生活
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