Peeling the Onion is a searingly honest memoir that evokes Grass’ modest upbringing in Danzig, his time as a boy soldier fighting the Russians and concludes with the writing of his masterpiece, The Tin Drum, in Paris. Grass’ parents ran a corner shop, but his mother, whom he adored, encouraged him towards books and music. Like most of his peers, he joined the Hitler Youth and in 1944, when he was just 17, he was sent to the Eastern front with the Waffen SS and found himself facing Russian tanks and machine guns. Recovering from shrapnel wounds in a military hospital, he had the good fortune to be taken prisoner by the Americans. In the aftermath of the war, following a stint as a miner, Grass survived by trading on the black market and resolved to become an artist, eventually enrolling at the Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf. While living as an artist in Berlin with his first wife Anna, a ballet dancer, he started to concentrate on writing poetry. It was after the couple moved to Paris that the first sentence of the novel he had been determined to write and that would make his reputation came to him: ‘Granted: I am an inmate of a mental hospital’. Peeling the Onion is the story of a remarkable life and is, without question, one of Günter Grass' finest works.
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待他死時,一定會帶著這本自傳去見上帝,祈求後者因為他的坦誠而給予寬恕。可惜的是,最早享受這種坦白的不是愛他的人,而是他的政敵。那些幾十年裏被他犀利言辭批判得無地自容的人終於逮到機會口沫四濺一次:“格拉斯不配‘公民的良心’這個稱謂!——他曾是個黨衛軍!” 讓...
評分 評分這是葛拉斯的迴憶錄. 主要以1960年前. 他尚未成名前的個人成長背景故事為主.... 在這位諾貝爾文學獎得主的優美筆觸下. 故事混搭著往昔記憶. 筆下文學作品角色. 戰爭史實. 與關於其人生軌跡的精神反思.... 多種元素調閤成瞭這本極具深度與美感的記敘文學.... 洋蔥(暗喻記憶本身...
評分說齣來也是搞笑,每當我經曆一件令我記憶深刻的事時,我都會想想要是以後我寫本迴憶錄的話這件事該怎麼記敘。 記憶是怎麼樣的呢?從上麵一句話可以看齣,在我看來記憶是曖昧的,是模糊的,因為做一件事的動機往往不是單一的,而是復雜的,是綜閤考慮過的。那麼當我在迴憶的時...
評分今天中午一個人瞎逛 聽著歌,散步 隨意的觀察周圍的人: 幾個穿著肥大校服的高中生 玩世不恭的姿態 站在路邊吃串兒 一個短頭發的女孩 坐在馬路伢子上低著頭哭 旁邊站著一個男人 默默地看著她 一條帥氣的哈士奇 甩著尾巴,昂首挺胸 似乎在用一種自豪的眼神 瞥視身邊的京巴...
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