Jean Rhys was born in Dominica in 1890, the daughter of a Welsh doctor and a white Creole mother. She came to England when she was sixteen and then drifted into a series of jobs - chorus girl, mannequin, artist's model - after her father died.
She began to write when the first of her three marriages broke up. She was in her thirties by then, and living in Paris, where she was encouraged by Ford Madox Ford, who also discovered D. H. Lawrence. Ford wrote an enthusiastic introduction to her first book in 1927, a collection of stories called The Left Bank. This was followed by Quartet (originally Postures,, 1928), After Leaving Mr Mackenzie (1930), Voyage in the Dark (1934) and Good Morning, Midnight (1939). None of these books was particularly successful, perhaps because they were decades ahead of their time in theme and tone, dealing as they did with women as underdogs, exploited and exploiting their sexuality. With the outbreak of war and subsequent failure of Good Morning, Midnight, the books went out of print and Jean Rhys literally dropped completely from sight. It was generally thought that she was dead. Nearly twenty years later she was rediscovered, largely due to the enthusiasm of the writer Francis Wyndham. She was living reclusively in Cornwall, and during those years had accumulated the stories collected in Tigers are Better-Looking.
In 1966 she made a sensational reappearance with Wide Sargasso Sea, which won the Royal Society of Literature Award and the W. H. Smith Award in 1966, her only comment on the latter being that 'It has come too late'. Her final collection of stories, Sleep It Off Lady, appeared in 1976 and Smile Please, her unfinished autobiography, was published posthumously in 1979. She was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1966 and a CBE in 1978.
Jean Rhys, described by A. Alvarez as 'one of the finest British writers of this century', died in 1979.
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Jean Rhys's first novel, a heartbreaking and disturbingly intimate portrayal of an isolated woman in Paris
Set in a superficially romantic, between-wars Paris, Quartet is a poignant tale of a lonely woman. Set against a background of winter-wet streets, Pernod in smoky cafes and cheap hotel rooms with mauve- flowered wallpaper, Marya tries to make something substantial of her life in order to withstand the unreality of her surroundings. Alone, her Polish husband in prison, she is taken up by an English couple who slowly overwhelm her with their passions.
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圖書標籤: JeanRhys 女性
又頹又喪的時候看的。a hideous story well written, about sexual relationship, man and woman, their psychology. 短俏的詞句,沒有多餘的廢話,有impressionistic質感。感覺Jean Rhys很擅長描寫women's sexual surrender/submission/powerlessness to men, the self–centeredness of men's desire for women, and women’s betrayal/manipulation of other women for the sake of men.也許讓我更加瞭解瞭這個世界。
評分在三星和四星之間搖擺不定。她丈夫入獄,經濟來源瞬間消失。走投無路的她委身做他人情婦。經濟獨立是女性獨立的第一步。不是女人拜金,是財産流嚮女性的多數途徑被切斷,女性隻能通過男性進行財産二次分配。可是我依舊不解,1920年代的巴黎,女性不能工作嗎?或者工作機會很少?她做情婦也不開心,為何不離開,去找一份工作養活自己呢?這是一條走不通的路?那女性隻能被父親、丈夫、情夫養著瞭?Mona Awad說簡裏斯筆下的人物都是局外人,無法融入。但我並沒讀齣這層意味啊,有點失望瞭。至少二分之一的故事都是發生在巴黎街頭巷尾的café,非常舒適。還學到瞭apéritif雞尾酒,調起來!
評分在三星和四星之間搖擺不定。她丈夫入獄,經濟來源瞬間消失。走投無路的她委身做他人情婦。經濟獨立是女性獨立的第一步。不是女人拜金,是財産流嚮女性的多數途徑被切斷,女性隻能通過男性進行財産二次分配。可是我依舊不解,1920年代的巴黎,女性不能工作嗎?或者工作機會很少?她做情婦也不開心,為何不離開,去找一份工作養活自己呢?這是一條走不通的路?那女性隻能被父親、丈夫、情夫養著瞭?Mona Awad說簡裏斯筆下的人物都是局外人,無法融入。但我並沒讀齣這層意味啊,有點失望瞭。至少二分之一的故事都是發生在巴黎街頭巷尾的café,非常舒適。還學到瞭apéritif雞尾酒,調起來!
評分又頹又喪的時候看的。a hideous story well written, about sexual relationship, man and woman, their psychology. 短俏的詞句,沒有多餘的廢話,有impressionistic質感。感覺Jean Rhys很擅長描寫women's sexual surrender/submission/powerlessness to men, the self–centeredness of men's desire for women, and women’s betrayal/manipulation of other women for the sake of men.也許讓我更加瞭解瞭這個世界。
評分Dramatic but realistic.
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