戴維•洛奇(David John Lodge,1935—),英國著名小說傢和文學評論傢,伯明翰大學榮譽教授,英國皇傢文學院院士,以文學貢獻獲得不列顛帝國勛章和法國文藝騎士勛章。代錶作品主要有“盧密奇學院三部麯”:《換位》《小世界》和《美好的工作》;“天主教三部麯”:《大英博物館在倒塌》《你能走多遠?》和《天堂消息》;其他重要作品還有《走齣防空洞》《失聰宣判》《治療》等。並著有《小說的藝術》和《意識與小說》等多部文學批評理論文集。
Agnostic theologian Bernard Walsh has a professional interest in heaven. But when he travels to Hawaii with his father, Jack, it is not in quest of a vacation paradise; it is to visit Jack's dying, estranged sister. The hand of fate and family tensions frustrate the planned reunion, however. And surrounded by quarrelling honeymooners, girls looking for Mr Right, a freeloading anthropologist, and assorted tourists all determinedly pursuing their humdrum visions of paradise, Bernard finds Waikiki more like purgatory. Until, that is, he stumbles upon something he had given up hope of finding ndash; the astonishing possibility of lovehellip;
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這年頭讀翻譯小說可得小心翼翼,因為再沒有龐大的國傢翻譯體製保證譯本的品位和精確度,也不再有長長的譯者序來給你上一堂“本書的源流和地位”的選修課。有人會說,這樣不更好嗎?可以不受乾擾地麵對文本。那麼,你來試試,給戴維•洛奇的《天堂消息》寫一篇書評吧。 我...
評分在美國人,甚或是大部分歐陸人看來,英國人總是隔著大西洋邊緣的那道短短的海峽與他們相距遙遠——無論是民族性格、風土人情、地形氣候——這同強勢的文化經濟政治格局完全無關,僅僅是成見和慣性思維的使然。 帶有沉悶荒誕色彩的英國人在小說中不是少數,讓我們感到壓...
評分David Lodge的《天堂消息Paradise News》寫於上個世紀八十年代。但是當我在2004年年底到達夏威夷時,詫異地發現時間的流逝在這兒幾乎沒有痕跡,一切都和書中描寫的一樣。甚至那傢男女主人公共餐的泰國餐館也還在原地。 包括沙灘上衣著暴露的紅男綠女,包括免稅商店裏人頭洶湧...
評分David Lodge的《天堂消息Paradise News》寫於上個世紀八十年代。但是當我在2004年年底到達夏威夷時,詫異地發現時間的流逝在這兒幾乎沒有痕跡,一切都和書中描寫的一樣。甚至那傢男女主人公共餐的泰國餐館也還在原地。 包括沙灘上衣著暴露的紅男綠女,包括免稅商店裏人頭洶湧...
評分在美國人,甚或是大部分歐陸人看來,英國人總是隔著大西洋邊緣的那道短短的海峽與他們相距遙遠——無論是民族性格、風土人情、地形氣候——這同強勢的文化經濟政治格局完全無關,僅僅是成見和慣性思維的使然。 帶有沉悶荒誕色彩的英國人在小說中不是少數,讓我們感到壓...
圖書標籤: 英國 Lodge,David
on the train back home it's been 3 years | can be too sappy at times liked the part where they stopped at the clifftop near Diamond Head might be fun to learn more about the experiences of the other tourists
評分on the train back home it's been 3 years | can be too sappy at times liked the part where they stopped at the clifftop near Diamond Head might be fun to learn more about the experiences of the other tourists
評分on the train back home it's been 3 years | can be too sappy at times liked the part where they stopped at the clifftop near Diamond Head might be fun to learn more about the experiences of the other tourists
評分on the train back home it's been 3 years | can be too sappy at times liked the part where they stopped at the clifftop near Diamond Head might be fun to learn more about the experiences of the other tourists
評分on the train back home it's been 3 years | can be too sappy at times liked the part where they stopped at the clifftop near Diamond Head might be fun to learn more about the experiences of the other tourists
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