Fundamentals of data structures Computer software engineering series 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
For many years a data structures course has been taught in computer
science programs. Often it is regarded as a central course of the
curriculum. It is fascinating and instructive to trace the history of how
the subject matter for this course has changed. Back in the middle
1960 s the course was not entitled Data Structures but perhaps List
Processing Languages. The major subjects were systems such as SLIP
(by J. Weizenbaum), IPL-V (by A. Newell, C. Shaw, and H. Simon),
I,ISP 1.5 (by J. McCarthy) and SNOBOI, (by D. Farber, R. Griswold,
and I. Polonsky). Then, in 1968, volume I of the Art of Computer
Programming by D. Knuth appeared. His thesis was that list processing
was not a magical thing that could only be accomplished within a specially
designed system. Instead, he argned that the same techniques could
be carried out in almost any language and he shifted Ihc emphasis to
efficient algorithm design. SLIP and IPL-V faded from the scene, while
L1SP and SNOBOL moved to the programming languages course. The
new strategy was to explicitly construct a representation (such as linked
lists) within a set of consecutive storage locations and to describe the
algorithms by using English plus assembly language.
Progress in the study of data structures and algorithm design has
continued. Out of this recent work has come many good ideas which
we believe should be presented to students of computer science. It
is our purpose in writing this book to emphasize those trends which
we see as especially valuable and long lasting.
The most important of these new concepts is the need to distinguish
between the specification of a data structure and its realization within
an available programming language. This distinction has been mostly
blurred in previous books where the primary emphasis i ~as either been
on a programming language or on representational techniques. Our
attempt here has been to separate out the specification of the data structure
from its realization and to show how both of these processes can be
successfully accomplished. The specification stage requires one to
concentrate on describing the functioning of the data structure without
cancern for its imNemcntation. This can be done using English and
Fundamentals of data structures Computer software engineering series 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书