"The best history of American whaling to come along in a generation."--Nathaniel Philbrick. "Leviathan" is the epic history of the "iron men in wooden boats" who built an industrial empire through the pursuit of whales. "To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme," Herman Melville proclaimed, and this absorbing history demonstrates that few things can capture the sheer danger and desperation of men on the deep sea as dramatically as whaling. Eric Jay Dolin begins his vivid narrative with Captain John Smith's botched whaling expedition to the New World in 1614. He then chronicles the rise of a burgeoning industry--from its brutal struggles during the Revolutionary period to its golden age in the mid-1800s when a fleet of more than 700 ships hunted the seas and American whale oil lit the world, to its decline as the twentieth century dawned. This sweeping social and economic history provides rich and often fantastic accounts of the men themselves, who mutinied, murdered, rioted, deserted, drank, scrimshawed, and recorded their experiences in journals and memoirs. Containing a wealth of naturalistic detail on whales, "Leviathan" is the most original and stirring history of American whaling in many decades. 32 pages of illustrations.
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美國的捕鯨行業幾經興衰,尤其是在獨立戰爭、1812年第二次獨立戰爭、南北戰爭期間,均遭遇不同程度的打擊。全書寫的波瀾壯闊,是一部優秀的非虛構類作品。可以說,一部捕鯨史,在17~19世紀差不多300年的時間裏,也就是一個側麵的美國史,很多細節也很有意思。 北美的捕鯨事業...
評分今年7月1日,日本捕鯨船隊從多座港口起航,時隔31年重啓商業捕鯨。這樣明目張膽地逆勢而為激起瞭其他國傢的廣泛譴責,全球輿論登時一片嘩然。 日本早在去年12月份就宣布退齣國際捕鯨委員會(IWC),並於今年6月30日正式退齣。針對此舉,日本給齣的理由可謂冠冕堂皇:一是保護水...
評分 評分美國小說傢赫爾曼·麥爾維爾的傑作《白鯨》,很多讀者想必都不陌生,甚至對莫比·迪剋與亞哈船長之間的對決記憶猶新。有趣的是,這部小說文本在麥爾維爾有生之年卻被視為其最差的作品,因為它既沒有對捕鯨生活的浪漫想象,甚至還摻雜瞭今天我們習以為常的懷疑,乃至失落的情緒...
圖書標籤: 美國 科普 文化 曆史
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